In this long-awaited series, we finally delve into the historical origins of William Brahman & the impact of his movement known as …


  1. Mr. Collins should be ashamed of himself. There are so many misrepresented facts about Bro. Branham and what he represented and stood for. Bro. Branham was in no shape, form nor fashion a cult leader and The Message is and has never been a cult. Just because people don't understand or find something that may seem different from what they think is the norm doesn't make it cultish. The people who believe in this religion believe in one God and one baptism and yes they believe that William Branham was a prophet, but people have believed in prophets from the beginning of time.

  2. I have never met anyone that is racist in my entire life in all the people I've ever came in contact with in The Message. I'm saying this publicly that this man Mr. Collins is a liar. The Message is not a racist religion, shame on you Mr. Collins for blatantly lying like that and shaming your family.

  3. Thank God for William Branham!! I believe he is Gods 7th Angel prophet! No matter what anyones says about this man you are mistaken, God has vindicated William Branham after his sermons were preached, the Lord saying This is my prophet…. I have the proof. So, it’s funny how human men can say bad things about Gods prophet, you are saying it against God. You judge but I bet you never heard that vindication. And if you have you would repent. Praise the Lord for Brother Branham!!! Only certain people it truly is revealed to!! 🙏🏻

  4. It is your responsibility to do the diggings since you don't believe, he had to suit your claims, just like many did not believe Paul because of who he was. It's the same thing today, whatever happened to his life, it has nothing to do with the spiritual life of him and what God sent him for to us. But to you he is just a cult.
    But we believe it should be like that Amen.
    May the Lord bless you all

  5. This was one of the absolute favorites of the men in the church because William Braham's wife seemed to fit their brand of subservience–the men in this cult delighted in the fact that women were to serve their husbands, but were very the absent of fact that they were supposed to love their wives in far too many cases. Sadly, if as a woman you didn't behave this way you were referred to as a BULLHEAD, and having a career or a position of prominence you could find yourself being referred to as a JEZEBEL or a WHORE (they refer to VP Kamala Harris this way)

  6. Ok all I hear is referring to modern movies with Johnny Dep.
    Al Capone ?
    The KKK?
    Who is going to write this movie?
    I have no Idea of the character of Whilliam Brannan
    A man who was born 100 years ago, along with his dad born long before that.
    The narrative is based on tales from the past, and we all know how legends seem larger than life.
    Dillinger I would presume was on the run, most of his crimminal career.
    So who's next?
    Are Bonnie and Clyde part of Brannans up bringing?
    A witness states his dad was part of a Brannan Church.
    Let's do a feasible timeline rather than rely on Hollywood for our information shall we?
    I am not defending anyone,
    I am simply attempting to use reason to evaluate what looks like the next movie that portrays Preachers as cult leaders.

  7. Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
    Matthew 11:28 KJV

    Jesus lives

    Jesus Christ is Lord

    For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
    Romans 3:23 KJV

    Jesus loves you repent

    You're a sinner in need of a Savior

    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

    For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

    Romans 10:9-10 KJV

  8. After 15 minutes i changed the chanel. I was thinking I was going to hear some doctrine this brother was teaching that was concerning. All I heard was Gambling town, prisons, kkk, had a vision and had a light, so were calling a christian a non christian over this?

  9. You did yourself an incredible disservice in this first episode. It seemed that you we desperately grasping at straws by offering circumstantial evidence with speculations trying to tie Branham and his family with organized crime without offering any proof at all. I almost didn't listen after this episode, the other episodes are great. The problem is, whenever I had a friend listen, he immediately stopped listening and defended Branham because of the Ludacris claims made in the first episode. You should have just stuck with the facts.

  10. Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
    13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
    14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH.

    2 Thess. 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; (DONE)
    4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, SHEWING HIMSELF THAT HE IS GOD. (DONE)

    Ephesians 4:4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are CALLED in ONE HOPE OF YOUR CALLING;
    5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
    6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
    How many denominations, churches, organizations are there, all claiming to be Christ's church?

    Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
    21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
    22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
    23 And then will I profess unto them, I NEVER KNEW YOU: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

    2 Cor. 4:3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
    4 In whom the GOD OF THIS WORLD HATH BLINDED THE MINDS of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the IMAGE OF GOD, should shine unto them.

    Not my words, but it is WRITTEN! Pray for a revealing of God's Word.

    God Bless!

  11. From what I can tell, there is more difference than that he grew up in Kentucky or grew up in Indiana. From what you said in one story his father died when he was young. In the other his father did not die while he was young. That is a stark contradiction in itself. AMBA

  12. Oh my here we go reserved Christian trying to explain away the power of the Spirit when it starts pouring out his power through beleiving saints. I wonder how they would of acted out living during the book of Acts. I agree calling out biblical doctrine a BIG YES but because people worship and experience God a little different than you, just leave it. We are all emotional beings and when the Holy Spirit moves upon us we act different . Ye guys don't have the final answer in how things suppose to be when the power of God is being pour out. Keep doing what you feel you are called to do without calling out chrasmatic Christian love you all in Christ Jesus

  13. It’s always good to expose those that teach falsely and it’s often sad to note that many are led by God to the truth of Gods word but they keep wanting to have a human to help them interpret the word, in regards to preaching and teaching that is the role of the church but just like every cult once you raise a human up you demote Christ and His Finished work. The Mormons have done this over and over again , many cults including the sect of the Seventh day Adventist also go to the point of making a human the “go to” person for authority. My wife and I when we were about to get a married were looking for a church to get married in as our church was under heavy renovations and was unsuitable to us. We visited many churches for the purpose of renting the church for our ceremony and reception . One visit to an SDA church involved out request to view the sanctuary ( or church seating area) , a bible study was ongoing but the lady told us to just go in and look around anyways. We felt like we were barging in so we sat down and looked around and whispered to each other about what we thought of the building. We could not help but during the 15 min we sat trying to appear as part of the study they kept referring to what Ellen G White taught regarding the verses they were studying. It was mind boggling to hear at least 5 references to what she said about particular scripture . We got up and left slowly glad to have had the opportunity to witness the manifestation of how the devil deceives .
    That being said I’ve been in ministry for years and have cast out many devils out of believers who had never received help at churches they belonged to , the church has left many open doors unattended even within good churches not helping people to get free. Those devils freely roam like a sneaky serpent through the pews not on sabbath or Sunday worship only but in the secret homes of the believers who keep dark secrets afraid to get or ask for help for fear of being labelled. It can be said that it’s easy to expose the devil through the use of scripture but what if scripture is avoided ? I see that in many beautiful Godly churches who are devout and sober minded yet still avoid parts of scripture .
    Growing up our church had the RSV and I remember as a kid reading the preface to the bible and it went into non specific details that the KJV had “grave error” , that church later went on to switch to the NIV stating how it is the accurate word of God yet these people know nothing of “Westcott and Hort” , a simple comparison of matters show a pattern of why the devil hates the KJV . I myself enjoy the KJV as well as the amplified and I find that more than often people use a bible that leaves out key texts and thereby use that loss of words to explain away what they do not do .
    Many believers are afraid of the supernatural and of healing and they themselves are victims of indoctrination . Even my father told
    Me that the reason Jesus did miracles is to prove that he and the disciples were true, that being said and it’s true, he failed to read what Jesus said about the church .
    The division that the devil can inflict on the church is clear evidence that no man can save themselves since as Paul even wrote” Nothing good dwells in the flesh” , anyone who thinks they are good has not met Jesus .
    That being said a man can be empowered by the Holy Ghost to perform miracles and signs and wonders. I’m glad that God has used me and yet I’m deeply humbled by the fact that as weak as I am often God can still use a broken vessel to enact His will upon the world in particular helping His kids get free.
    We need to be humble in examining sin as we are also sinners but the grand scheme of sin has been exposed by Christ and literally been overtaken by the Holy Ghost but God moves through Faith and men of faith are not afraid to confront the devil knowing that the devil is overcome and weak in the light of Christ Jesus our Lord .
    Never exalt a human, Jesus was human but He was God and yet now He has ascended to the Father as they are one. Jesus in His humble state as a man humbled himself and even said only God was Good. He was referring to the part of Him that was God and of the Father, He did not exalt His flesh but rather crucified it for us in place of our own. The Bible said that flesh and blood will not inherit the Kingdom because it is The sons of God who are reborn through the Spirit of God and not the flesh. Our flesh has nothing good in it as it is not eternal but if of the earth .
    The serpent seed theology is digging at the explanation of the question of how man was corrupted and how sin spread . I will tell you that the truth of the matter is that sin does travel through the bloodline and the demons often are shocked that they were confronted as they keep that doctrine away from the church though scripture alludes to it often .
    The bible talks about the sins of the fathers, this sin nature is spiritual but it takes advantage of the flesh . We all know that the seed of man impregnates a woman and so comes forth mankind however if one notes very plainly and clearly that the son of God was not from the seed of a man. That Holy Act of impregnating Mary is key to the separation of man and God , it separates the truth from the nonsense, it separates the nominal human from the God who was called Immanuel that is God with us .
    Mankind partakes of that same spirit through communion as Christ taught in John 6 and man cannot be saved by any other means, the sin nature of man has many facets and each one leads mens minds and thoughts to disobey God. It is Gods Spirit in a man that brings life eternal . The serpent seed theology can be seen through clear. Scripture study as some are called children of the devil, that serpent seed spirit(S) of the devil all need to cast out in Jesus name. The seed of Christ is the Holy Ghost and it conquers the flesh because the flesh is weak and unable to please God.

  14. I have listened to some of William Brenham stuff and other generals of the faith. It’s unfortunate that there is this strange cult made out of his life. He obviously had a powerful healing and evangelizing ministry.

  15. Just discovering this video from a friend. We both grew up in this and find this fascinating. Can’t wait to see the rest! We’re Big fans of Investigation Discovery channel and this is something along those lines , but cults might even be a better , more intriguing topic 🧐.

  16. The Holy Bible says 'Go to the evangelists. Bro. Branham was/is an Evangelist. Uranus doesn't get it. If you have not read all of his teachings, how would you ever relate?

  17. The Holy Bible says that the disciples were uneducated fishermen. That is why the snobby denominations miss God and what he is doing entirely. At least the former member is a witness. God does not owe it to anyone to verify himself to anyone. When the Pharisees and saducees were torturing Jesus. They put a blindfold on him and then hit him, and told him to prophesy who hit him. They asked him if they were blind too, he replied 'if you were blind, you would not question Jesus, but because you say that you can see, your sin remains'. Jesus was criticized because he ate with publicans and sinners. Don't forget, you, that think you are above God, because you are oligarchs.

  18. @Jose Lamboy  people must understand that Christianity is being hunted , an the message is a understanding an or a revelation of a greater power being revealed in the simplest form an the dark powers that all of us face an why we face them , the word will reach the minority, Brother William Brahman was a profit from God sent to us by God in the last time age …..the last time age needs greater understanding conpeared to the last, because the people of the previous age had a different mindset…..he brings a understanding of the enemy an our history in order to go into battle as efficiency as possible, an this can only be accomplished through the word of Chris ,he was a normal man but with gifts God had blessed him with he brought a unquestionable message


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