Creepy, Dad-Inclusive Dating in Christian Romance Movie "Princess Cut"

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  1. So….., coffee shop guy assaulted her, right?? Like, we don't find out exactly how far it went, but she says something like "He kept kissing me. I told him to stop, but he wouldn't…" and then she just trails off and doesn't get any more specific. But even if it was just him refusing to stop kissing her while she's alone with him in his apartment, that's still sexual assault! And yet NO-ONE even mentions calling the police on this asshole?!?

  2. 37:13 The "Why are girls wired to find boys so interesting and romance so intriguing? The answer may lie in the reason why God created them male and female to begin with" is making me cringe so hard as an ex christian lesbian and I 100% know ppl who would unironically have their bible study notes look like this

  3. People really over romanticize the rings, in terms of proposals. To have a ring as a symbol of long lasting love is fine, but the way women take photos of the rings and humble brag about the size and style online is just gross.

  4. Believe it or no there are many towns in the South that open small talk with strangers by asking what church they go to or have they found a "church home" in the area. They just assume your Christian but want to casually figure out what kind of Christian (denomination) you are.

  5. I'm sorry, but how is it SANE that a father cares that much about his daughter's "purity". Like honestly, think about it for a minute, WHY WOULD A FATHER CARE IF HIS DAUGHTER REACHES MARRIAGE IN ABSTINENCE? That's straight up weird, disgusting and sus.
    Ugh, and to think that my mormon uncles are actually like this… It makes me want to vomit 😣

  6. That woman on the phone look g for the graduate student she has pigtails on, why does she look 45 trying to be 23 also the main girl looks 30 as well and still lives at home lmai

  7. As someone who grew up as a farm kid, I'm here to confirm that farm insurance does indeed exist…

    If farming is your main source of income, it'd be foolish to not get farm insurance… idk of any full time farmer who doesn't have it

  8. I always wonder what makes them so positive that movies like this will convert us non-believers, but that backwards waterfall braid on Brooke made me need jesus for a second so maybe they're more effective than I thought.


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