The film is about the meaning and importance of fatherhood, and the story centers around four police officers “all in various stages …


  1. Just rented this movie 2 days ago and Oh my did I enjoy it. If I new it was going to be this good I would have watched it when it came out. It was funny, heartwarming, and inspirational. I actually became closer to God and have challenged myself to be a better person and parent. A must see film even if you are not spiritual.

  2. I swear,there is one scene in this movie where I cannot stop laughing jkfpgfgh plz watch it it’s has Super boring scenes but remove those scenes and it becomes pretty decent

  3. I would love once, just once for a Christian movie to be made that didn't always make the man totally at fault for everything. It actually is very counterproductive and deceiving. Yes, women can/do make tons of mistakes in their marriage !

  4. This seems like a really good message (i.e. fathers pledging to do better by their children). It's just a shame that it has to be delivered through a Christian prism, as there are many non-Christian people who would benefit from such a message.

    PS: Although I am an atheist, I am not anti-religious or anti-Christian whatsoever. If religion/Christianity is preaching this type of message, then more power to it. I just think it's a message that secular filmmakers should also be pushing.

  5. Christian movies about relationships are mostly about how bad and wrong men are and all the things they have to change for us. Is there any christian movie out there that is about how bad and wrong we can also be and all the things we have to change so our lives can bless men? In christianity it seems it sucks being a man. I feel bad for them.

  6. I'm 4 months into the police academy right now, and my biggest fear has been that I'd become part of the statistic. I've been told by other cops that 75% of cop's marriages fail. I've been told that the job is going to mess up my thinking. I've been told that my chances of blowing my brains out at some point in my career are much higher than most other careers. And I've seen cops, who are my friends, become that statistic themselves. But despite all of that, this movie reminds me that this doesn't have to be me. It also shows me that I can use the values that are displayed in this film in my own life. And maybe I can integrate these values into my department. It may be cheesy, but this film – and God – give me courage to not only face the worst of humanity, but to marry, to start a family, and to trust that He will not let me become the statistic… as long as I keep Him in the center of my life.

  7. Any1 knows any movies that like full of emotions i want something maybe like in All American where Spencer Father having stage 4 cancer after being a bad father .. or Lethal Weapon where Marton Riggs wife died in car accident being pregnant while he was somewhere else far far away?

  8. Are you a good person? Let’s check and see! Have you ever stolen? (Even if it’s something really small or not worth much) Have you ever lied? Or have you ever looked with lust ? Now, have you ever taken the Lords Name in vain? Have you ever hated someone?If you’ve ever done any of those things, you would be either a liar, a thief, an adulterer,(for looking with lust. See Matthew 5:28), a blasphemer(for taking Gods Name in vain), a murderer (for hating someone. See 1 John 3:15) or maybe even all of them. And that was only 5 of the Ten Commandments. Therefore Gods Standard Is Very High. The Bible Even Says That If We’ve Just Broken One Law We’re Guilty Of Breaking Them All. (James 2:10) So we have all sinned against God and therefore deserve death.(Romans 3:23 & 6:23)That’s why ~2000 years ago A Savior was sent; Jesus Christ, to die for the sins of The World And Then He Rose On The 3rd Day . Through His sacrifice He Paid The Fine for our sins, and made Atonement for the sins Of The World. Now we can be made new by accepting The Gift of Salvation. In order to accept This Gift, we must first Repent. This is a change of mind about sin (from an embrace of sin to rejection of sin) and a Turning to God.
    Once you Repent, you can then turn to FAITH/TRUST in the Savior. A person who has truly Repented of their sin and has Trust in Christ will give evidence of a changed life. Therefore, as a Result of Salvation you’ll then produce Good Works and the Fruit of Salvation. (Reading the Word, Acts of Kindness, readiness to help, to serve, to give of oneself, The Fruits of the Spirit, etc.) You aren’t Saved by doing Good Works, but you can then produce Good Works once you are Saved!.

  9. it is fathers day 2022 and this is the first time I am seeing this movie. I watched the first 20 min or so as I was going to sleep last night and was getting really drawn in. Seems like an interesting coincidence for me that this movie suddenly came across me and the messages really spoke to me. I think that I have done all the right things raising my kids especially when they were little, but did I?. I spent lots of time with them, took them with me everywhere I went, found projects that we could all do together… but there is always doubts, always room to see things from a different perspective, I will keep trying to not fail at this mission.

  10. Hijos queridos, est es una HERMOSA película con fondo cristiano, dirigido a los PAPÁS, HIJOS y MADRES guiados por LA MANO DE DIOS. Estamos seguros Mamita y Papito v. Que les va a gustar mucho el FINAL, no se lo pierdan. Love you mucho❤️👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🥰🙏🙏🙏 AMÉN 🌷🌹♥️

  11. I had fallen asleep and when I woke up iI saw this movie playing and got to see the ending I liked seeing it so I rewind it and omg this made me feel so emotional 😢😢

  12. This movies had me in tears …amazing movie..
    Courageous men..christian men pulling it together … …taking courage amazing ..


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