Country Gospel Music – Momma’s Old Song Book

Country Gospel Music, Momma's Old Song Book, Gravel Road Gospel, Marvin Morrow, Strolling Down Memory Lane, Billy & Willie Pollard's Country Gospel TV Program, Featuring Old Songs and Hymns, ,

Originally posted 2021-01-07 10:01:40. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. This song takes me back to my childhood memories of my grandmother and grandfather.They lived on a farm in the mountains of Kentucky,and after supper and the dishes were done we would gather around my grandfather’s chair and by the light of an oil lamp for they had no electricity or water in the log cabin.Grandpa would read us stories from the bible,then grandma would take out her song book and we would sing the old hymns Her favorite songs were Grey Speckled Bird,Wayfaring Stanger and Farther Along.Those were the good days.

  2. I love this song. Thanks so much for sharing. It takes me back to singing with my mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Learning to harmonize in the hills of Appalachia is something I’ll always remember. Now, Granny is gone, grandma has aphasia and can no longer speak but I have the gift of music and a godly heritage to pass on so I am thankful! Thanks again for sharing!

  3. Howdy, great music… were going home in the fall, this year, clan up your garments and get ready to rise and meet our Father, shalom


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