Amen! Thank you Apostle sir. I live in a country where the law is against evangelising people without their approval, and worst, it's banned to talk about GOD at office. I pray day and night for their heart, that He should create opportunities for me to talk to people about GOD. And mostly I pray that God should send workers here.
What to know 1. Be deliberate to Show love 2. Ensure to forgive everyone that may have offended you 3. Aggressively involved in soul winning ( how to get involved one on one evangelism, pray for souls, giving towards it, organize something)
Have a Retreat ( either through prayer, fasting and communicating to God) What you must do 1. Appraise yourself ( intentionally) 2. Give God thanks for the good things (don’t be an ingrate unconsciously) 3. Stay with God until you get things for the coming year 4. Ask for grace deliberately (wealth, health, time etc) 5. Mental transformation Summary of all said, happy new year in advance 🙏
Bless you MOG
Amen 🙌
Thank you sir
Thank you sir for this counsel
I really learnt alot 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Amen ✋️ 🙏
Please l need strong counselling from Apostle please how do l get to God's servant l'm in another nation
Amen! Thank you Apostle sir. I live in a country where the law is against evangelising people without their approval, and worst, it's banned to talk about GOD at office. I pray day and night for their heart, that He should create opportunities for me to talk to people about GOD. And mostly I pray that God should send workers here.
It's very true, I'm experiencing it.
❤ Thanks dadddy Apostle Michael
❤ Thanks dadddy Apostle Michael
Your word is full of wisdom of GOD 🙏 more oil upon your life 🙏
Thank you for sharing Sir ❤️❤️
Merry Christmas Sir 🎉
Hallelujah 🙏
May our light shine in Jesus name 🙏🏾
Thank you
Thank you Jesus
Wow! Your itinerary sir 🙌
God bless you for all you do for the body of Christ. May He continue to give you the strength you need in your walk with Him
I love your teachings Sir I thank God for you. I'm trusting God that one day I'll come to your church.
Thank you Sir ,May God bless you and your family 🤝 Your son in the spirit from all the way from South Africa 19 years old
Shalom papa , je suis au Congo RDC, si un interprète en français peut m'aider. Merci que Dieu vous bénisse
You need a private jet.
Amen Thank you Apostle may God bless you.
Hi Admin, how to join the zoom room, for future meetings.
Thank you so much moG , I've been so blessed 🙏
Please Sir I need your Mentorship
God bless you Apostle Sir🙏.
How do I join the zoom life broadcast?
More Grace
Hello admin, how do we join the telegram group and where do we get the zoom links for future meetings?
Gloryy be to God. Thank you Sir🙇♂️👏
Amen that is so true.. 1:17 why does the time say that time and it's 11:11pm in America 😊
God's grace man of God, i dont even know how your family members cope😮
What to know
1. Be deliberate to Show love
2. Ensure to forgive everyone that may have offended you
3. Aggressively involved in soul winning ( how to get involved one on one evangelism, pray for souls, giving towards it, organize something)
Have a Retreat ( either through prayer, fasting and communicating to God)
What you must do
1. Appraise yourself ( intentionally)
2. Give God thanks for the good things (don’t be an ingrate unconsciously)
3. Stay with God until you get things for the coming year
4. Ask for grace deliberately (wealth, health, time etc)
5. Mental transformation
Summary of all said, happy new year in advance 🙏
That schedule is very serious itinerary.More Grace Apostle.We love you in Kenya.
How can I join this live sessions with the Apostle?
Thank you sir,so timely
❤😂sir, I am sorry I prayed for you to come to Tanzania it's not unfortunate. Please do come again and stay looooong😊