Counsel for the Season – Apostle Michael Orokpo.


  1. Amen! Thank you Apostle sir. I live in a country where the law is against evangelising people without their approval, and worst, it's banned to talk about GOD at office. I pray day and night for their heart, that He should create opportunities for me to talk to people about GOD. And mostly I pray that God should send workers here.

  2. What to know
    1. Be deliberate to Show love
    2. Ensure to forgive everyone that may have offended you
    3. Aggressively involved in soul winning ( how to get involved one on one evangelism, pray for souls, giving towards it, organize something)

    Have a Retreat ( either through prayer, fasting and communicating to God)
    What you must do
    1. Appraise yourself ( intentionally)
    2. Give God thanks for the good things (don’t be an ingrate unconsciously)
    3. Stay with God until you get things for the coming year
    4. Ask for grace deliberately (wealth, health, time etc)
    5. Mental transformation
    Summary of all said, happy new year in advance 🙏


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