An ambitious New York reporter experiences a miracle that changes his life forever after a tornado touches down in a small West …


  1. Okay, is that premiere on at the daylight savings time, est.9:30am or is it, est.10:30am..?
    Lol, either way, I guess it won't matter- bc I'll probably will still be sleeping n'ways..I do that on Sundays, due to my work grind that's 10hrs a day, 6days a week. ? YaWn!! ? Right? So, I do hope to catch up with this indie movie that I can never seem to catch, just as it least I can watch the movie on the same day it premieres..I do enjoy the movies you present for YouTube viewers, but I'm that one person that can't, unfortunately meet it up at the scheduled time. So tmrw, after I wake up and grab my coffee-this will be the first movie premiere that I've gotten even semi close to seeing, on the same day at best, that of this interesting looking movie and its
    premiere/release on yt.
    ?…yay me!!
    Thanks @Indie Rights Movies For Free ?


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