A special thank you to everyone who continues to support us in various ways, and we hope that you will continue to do so in the …
be careful about lipstick, make up, wigs, nail polish, hair extensions etc and things like these for those who use such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God
be careful about lipstick, make up, wigs, nail polish, hair extensions etc and things like these for those who use such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God
Jesus did not come to die and put me in heaven, Jesus came to put me into a Kingdom to make me a ruler and a reigner in this life
Blessed is he who condemn not himself in the things which he allows. For what stains a man comes from the inside
This dude is a fake…. Check out where he smashed the ark of the covenant on his stage…. He died not long after that
Thank GOD for this awesome word from on high 🙏🏽
I salute your legacy man of God