1. no wonder trump got into power, evil garments, golden threads, slave trade clothing sweat shops, finest dress fashion. when your priests who took an oath of poverty and charity has a clothing parade in front of their congregation, it's not their fault for living off the fat of the land, in million dollar fashion cutting edge garments, they are not hiding their actions from you, they are just showing you, look if you can't be bothered giving directly to the sick the starving and the poor, "Look what I picked up for a bargain with all your donations to my lavish lifestyle, 2025 Jesus didn't wear clothing that would have been expensive or gaudy as these lavish threads, in fact his clothes could have even been ripped and torn to make bandages for those in need, Jesus didn't parade around in opulence, not like this priest or the pope or any heads of state.

    Spend all of your wealth now. it's 2025, because heaven doesn't recognise money cash coins cheques bitcoin- which also goes by the name "mark of the beast on the back of the right hand or the forehead, religion and the bible have more in common with the bad place, than with GOD. but they truly are a record of what is to come, nothing to do with GOD, but a precise warning, time for what happens if you don't get square with the house before the forever sleep.

  2. I connect myself and my entire family to this Altar of fire for God healing and protection over our lives Amen, please Father Lord perfect my conception Amen and Amen πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


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