Clarity – When 20-year-old Maggie collapses at a surprise celebration dinner, her family discover that she has a rare genetic …


  1. At 3min—what kind of doctor gives this kind of news (ie need for a kidney) and doesn’t inform the parent of resources available to get a transplant. What kind of script writer/director just lets the doctor “walk away” from a shocked and grieving loved one? Smh

  2. Good one with text, but everyone was crazy!
    Both Mothers gone but what happends with US-father in jail i hope and Mexicoman should have some year too for US-Mothers dead and craving money!

  3. The ending isn't really conclusive..What happens to the adoptive dad ?? I assume the adoptive mom shot herself or shot someone else ⁉🤔🎥There are some disturbing storylines in this movie..😷🩸🩺🏥💸🏚🏡🥂🍽This movie reminds me of No Man's Land, Desperate Measures, John Q, and The Marksman..

  4. I wish you hadn’t written this script or movie as you did!!! That ending and what that Mexican couple did was awful! I did not think that the Mexican gal was capable of doing something like that! I thought she was more Christlike than that!! Very disturbing picture all in all, though it did keep my attention until the end!!

  5. Știu că adevărul este ȘOCANT și dureros….și că ați fost folosite de șarpele NG(tiranul avea o sută de măști)… și aruncate la gunoi.😔👁️
    Dar alte fete după ce au fost folosite de șarpe și drogate și pozate în intimitate….au fost date și la alții …. și șantajate cu o cruzime înfiorătoare….😢🥺 ….sunt mărturiile unei fetițe Mihaela…. dacă ai fi ascultat-o cu câtă durere povestea….ți se frângea sufletul….OF ….🥺😢 👁️😔
    Îmi pare tare rău de suferința voastră.😔👁️

  6. Wow…I didn't expect the ending but OMG…
    This goes to show what a mother is willing to do for her child. One is willing to die to save her daughter and the other is willing to take a life to save her daughter. This is what one life for another life is all about. 👏👏👏


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