City On a Hill Christian Short Movie by faith film productions, directed by Selva Devados . It’s based on the bible verse from …


  1. Beautiful short film, this reminds me of my time living in the USA when I met Jesus. I know what I need to do now. I WILL FOCUS ON OTHER PEOPLE'S PROBLEMS INSTEAD OF MINE.

  2. Lovely movie indeed.
    I believe the makers and actor's in this film are solid Christian believers .
    Please even in acting we all must know it's all about Jesus.
    And as such when we pray.
    Let's not forget to mention The Name of Jesus Christ.
    It is by this very name ,we are saved and have become the city on the hill.
    In the Name ok Jesus Christ of Nazareth I have written

  3. i would think the 1st thing to do to help that young lady would be to help her get her tire fixed rather than going somewhere to talk. talk while the tire is getting fixed…. the practical things, like the flat tire, can make us feel stuck, hopeless, & helpless. a lost button on a blouse means that we can't wear that one after all. it's discouraging & frustrating when you're in a hurry. you have to find something else to wear, to match what you have on… etc. maybe you're getting ready for a job interview when that happens. you're set off kilter then. small things add up. one way to make your life better is to sew on a button, mend a seam, fix a flat tire… one little repair a day gives you more of a boost than you realize. no matter how discouraged you may be, fix one little thing each day, do one chore you've put off. i was once in a position to experience the defeat & hopelessness that a blown tail light made me cry my eyes out! beginning to do & fix those little things made the difference for me. it was some of the best advice i ever used. one foot in front of the other day after day & within 6 years i had a college degree, a good paying job, & with God's help i had rebuilt my life. it isn't easy but, just don't ever give up! God will be there if you ask him to be. and please don't ever be ashamed to go to a mission for help. i & many others give money every month so that help is there for those who need it!!! we've been through it, too! we care about you! God bless you.

  4. God's first words spoken in Genisus were four words but they were not just spoken words they were effective "Let there be light" they created light he made light to divide the day and night and light happened the on the fourth day He created the sun moon and stars which He also divided day and night with but He didn't need them to speak into being light and darkness and day and night for they had already existed in the by the creative power of His words. Do we believe His CREATIVE POWER in His speech? HE DIED AND AFTER THOSE DAYS AFTER THOSE DAYS AFTER THOSE DAYS His blood spilled down the cross His heart stopped beating He no longer was breathing like when born to his mother swaddled in a feeding trough. Her heart pierced with pain her baby AFTER THOSE DAYS no longer living but He has spoken words Hebrews 8:10 I'm so excited to read He is the light of the world. Let there be light He spoke Himself the light into existence and the same creative power said 8:10 I meaning Him speaking I. I. I. I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: and they shall not teach every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. For I will be mercifull to their unrightousness, and their sins and their unrightousness will I remember no more.
    He has promised by His blood these events of creation after those days at the moment of His death this inheritance of the law or mind of Jesus given to our fallen sinful state recreating us to where only by Him the Creator by virtue of a gift from Himself by inheritance in this His last will and new testament. They shal not teach NOT it is NOT of us that this knowing the Lord is possible it is a gift by virtue of inheritance of and by only CREATION OF A OR BY THE CREATOR. It's a creative process you have or anyone has the mind or law put in our heart by JESUS. Praise God knowing Jesus our God by Him is given not by us telling another but by virtue of creation giving us His Holy Spirit because He died to give His heart and mind to us. He speaks like speaking light into being this word speaking puts in us also by His creative speaking the law is put in us created n us this law of love gives us a new being we now become His people and now He is our God. Thank you God Jesus.

  5. Peace❤ and 💙Blessings💛 Too My Brothers 💜May 💙God 💛Bless Everyone💚 Always 💙May 💛God Bless❤ Everyone💜 Richly 💛with everything 💜they 💙need 💛Always Much💚 Love 💜Blessings💙 Always 🎇💯💛😇🌐🌈💯✌💙💜💚💜💜💚💜💜💚💜💚💙💚💜

  6. This message is so encouraging because I am feeling like Dolly, just give up every time things go wrong. I feel like no one cares about me, depression and anxiety is getting worse, no one to talk to, no one is making time, they all busy. All this is doing is making me bitter, angry but I have been repenting and forgiving them, in Jesus name. God bless you for making this video 🙏


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