1. I'm so blessed to have the knowledge that Jesus came with the knowledge that he was going to die for me, and that he came to receive the kingdom and he gave this us and we have received this kingdom!!!

  2. Bless the LORD for Pastor Chris. We appreciate his holy-spirit filled delivery and understanding of God's word. The only thing i See is we need to celebrate Christmas differently as Christians because many of the widely used conventions for Christmas such as Santa Claus, the christmas trees and all things alike should not be used, as they are used also by wiccans and witches (a simple research from google is enough). The origins of Christmas are quite esoteric to say the least but that's besides the point. We need to celebrate Christmas in a manner where we pray and fast as well as hold a sermon full of worship and gratitude to our LORD and saviour Jesus Christ for coming into the world and setting us free. Possibly also hold a communion service just as we do on the Easter. Just an idea. Other than that, Pastor Chris really is a beacon of truth for the times we live in. His bold profession of the world makes me so happy and makes me confident in the fact that GOD still speaks to his children in the last days. Bless you


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