2024 has just started and we’ve already witnessed unsettling occurrences such as the earthquake in Japan, along with wars and …


  1. I think that God will protect the Church from falling into error. Francis has weakened the see of Peter and God has given him plenty of warning signs over the last 12 months or so to stick to the 2000 year old teachings and even older traditions.

    If Harry becomes King, William and his family must be facing a major tragedy.

    If so I hope Henry 9th is better than 8th.

  2. Baloney. The Bible is the only truth on the face of this earth. Anything else or anyone else is from the Pit of Hell Fire and Damnation. The Bible Prophecies are unfolding before our eyes and faster than we can keep up with all of them. Lookup for your redemption draws near. Watch and pray that you will be found worthy to escape the things coming upon the earth. The Lord Jesus is coming and soon.

  3. The future map shows London Manchester as surviving a mass nation flooding. If this Vision by 12 mystics all agreed without a single variation … the Royal Family could be wiped out. Or all those in succession. Not much left to rile. But its possible. Doubtful. But possible. Next!

  4. The Buddha said he had predicted future Buddhas 700 ad to, 4000 ad. Mayitreyia Buddha of Love. If the Buddha saw a future in 3800-4000 then the end of times is nowhere near this decade. Reality check the people in the know about Nostradamus all agree predictions from him are so cryptic its only meaning isn't usually understood until after the event. 9/11 is a classic example 👌

  5. Pope Francis is the 2nd beast and the false prophet of (Rev.13:11-17).
    When he was announced as the new Pope, by the white smoke coming out of the pipe at Vatican City, it was exactly 7:06 pm in Rome.
    The time 7:06 is exactly 66 minutes after 6 o'clock, which is covertly 666, hidden in plain sight.
    It was done deliberately.
    Pope Francis is the one who will make it mandatory for all of mankind to receive the 666 mark of the beast.
    Google Pope Francis announced at
    7:06 pm.

  6. Vatican City is the harlot of (Rev.chap.17) that sits on 7 mountains with her golden cup, precious stones, pearls gold, purple and scarlet attire to
    That's the exact description of Vatican City and it's satanic leaders dress attire.
    It is Satan's counterfeit church.

  7. RUSSIA is NOT the DANGER. Putin wants peace and the freedom to protect ethnic Russians in the Donbass and Crimea. The US wants to REPLACE him with a PUPPET LEADER like they did with the COUP in UKRAINE in 2014. That is when the CIA started poking Putin. And they implemented their bullying agenda of sanctions. THE U.S. (GLOBALISTS) are the REAL DANGER

  8. ,,Biden actual quote: "I don't care if you think I'm Satan reincarnated": The fact is you can’t look at that television and say nothing happened on the 6th. No one says nothing happened. It was a riot. Now, let’s address if you are Satan reincarnated.

  9. History tells us that… Every Great Nation’s Days Are Numbered. Sir John Bagot Glubb wrote this in the 1950’s. He was an Army General and historian. He studied eleven empires starting with the Assyrians in 859 B.C. and ending with the British in 1950. Sir John determined that each empire followed a remarkably similar pattern from birth to demise. Spanning a period of about 250 years, each went through the following 7 stages before their collapse:
    1..The Age of Pioneers. 2. The Age of Conquests. 3. The Age of Commerce. 4. The Age of Affluence. 5. The Age of Intellect. 6. The Age of Decadence. 7. The Age of Decline & Collapse.
    He also added these traits to the decline. Defensiveness, pessimism, materialism, frivolity, an influx of foreigners, the Welfare State, and a weakening of religion. To what did he attribute this decadence? Too long a period of wealth and power, selfishness, love of money, and the loss of a sense of duty. Again, please remember, this was written in the 1950’s.
    USA…247 yrs of great power…Hummmmmm…….Looks like we are next…Jesus is returning very soon…
    Several years back in the late 1940’s, Paul-Henry Spaak the first President of the United Nations General Assembly said “We do not want another committee, we have too many already. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people, and to lift us out of the economic morass (confusion) into which we are sinking. Send us such a man and be he God or devil, we will receive him.”—Paul Henri Spaak, the first president of the UN General Assembly, first president of the European Parliament, and onetime secretary general of NATO. God predicted this in His precious Bible almost two thousand years ago. Please read Revelation, chapter 13, especially verses 16 through 18. May the True and Living God of the Bible bless you. Amen and amen

  10. Seriously 10 biblical prophecy for the next 12 months? WOW this must be bullshit for sure and besides the Bible says to watch closely for evil FALSE PROPHETS and do not try to time the end of times as even the Angels and Jesus does not know. Stop watching this Christians it is a HERESY to believe these lies

  11. I was homeless, did drugs, went into prison, where I got to know God. He changed my life. Now I have a home, a wife and a lovely year old daughter (Zoe), and a stream of income that gets me $32,000 Weekly. Plus a new identity a child of God. Hallelujah!!!

  12. 2024 Earthquake Japan. 1923 earthquake, 1875 earthquake, 1947 earthquake, 1970 earthquake, 1982 earthquake, 2006 earthquake.
    There are always earthquakes in Japan. It's a big island, several islands. And the whole region is like that because of tectonic plates.
    Japanese buildings are build to survive earthquakes. And they do survive and stay up, most of the times.


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