Christians, Before You See Avatar, Watch This!

This is my review to Avatar: Way of Water, from a Christian perspective. I discuss the good and the bad, and what Christians need …


  1. They look like blue sea monkeys. Never watched the movie(s), don't plan to, but I'm glad Jon is able to pull something good out of it. Some things have something worthwhile in them, but there are a few things that just aren't worth it for the tiny bit of decency there is within it.

  2. ''Christians, before you see avatar, let me spoil it for you!'' 🤣!!! Yo @Whaddoyoumeme it's a science fiction movie … why would you compare this story with your religious story, it's just another story… just because you decided to devote your life to a religious story you would prevent others to be entertained by another story ? I Personally think we should take this movie and improve our connection with nature on our planet and that's way more important then anything else…

  3. The first Avatar is just a ripoff of an 80’s cartoon called FERN GULLY, watch the old cartoon and see how talented Hollywood really is. They told you it was a blockbuster, you believed them and went and watched it and made it a blockbuster..they got you again bitches, and still you just line up like sheep

  4. When I seen the 1st movie I thought why are they making humanity out to be the bad guys. Didn’t the alien,giants,gods, whatever you wanna call them rip down our tree of life and giant trees. I thought everything was flipped flopped! Never seen the 2nd yet but looking forward to how bad they portray the evil of humanity. 😢

  5. What edification does any Christian get from watching this movie? What of God's resources are being used properly in watching this movie?
    How is a Christian properly using the time God gave them , by watching this movie? Would Jesus and the apostles go use their time to watch this movie?

  6. The first Avatar was clearly a propaganda designed to turn us all into racists while pretending to be anti racist. That is how they do it. That said it was a great movie and they accidentally promoted Christianity, where in Christ is the Avatar of God.

  7. James Cameron’s comments on testosterone were super woke. But the movie was surprisingly not that woke not counting the anti colonization theme already, but that was already put in place in the last film.

  8. Such a good, reasonable and comprehensive look at the film. Thanks for not trading on hysteria, but seeing potential things that might upset some but not others. We are all responsible for what we choose to watch. Thanks for being evenhanded.

  9. Sorry to veer off-topic, but is there a lot of noise subtraction going on in these videos lately? Audio sounds a little washed out and sounds like what happens when there are things like fan noise and other background noise being cut out. Doesn't in any way subtract from the messages in the video, though.

  10. I loved the first Avatar watched it so many times I can’t count how many but now I’m apprehensive in watching the second one and what I realised afterwards of the first one that didn’t sit right with me.

    The director himself has had interviews where he stated that he intentionally put themes of political, social, environmental, spiritual and cultural and that he wanted to provoke an emotional response from the audience in regards to these themes. He acknowledged that if people had known that from the beginning he would’ve lost basically half of his fans. Now it sounds good that he implemented and addressed relatable themes right? Well not necessarily if your intention is impure for example the fact that he stated he wanted an emotional reaction from the audience on these themes it’s already concerning to provoke people emotionally with racism, global warming, politics, one world religion (spiritualism) because he said he took inspiration from many religions including Christianity intentionally and mixed it all together. Interesting that he is keeping to the exact same story line but with better effects. The word of God explicitly speaks against being emotionally driven because emotions are fical and can be deceptive.

    All this is translating to me that he has an agenda to provoke people on polarizing ideologies and getting them emotionally stirred to aggressively respond to these themes when have you ever seen people responding to these issues with peacefully when they say peace they don’t mean peace. This is what causes civil wars. The special effects are just distractions to keep people engaged. He clearly wants to get this message across.

    Now the spiritual part is what doesn’t sit right with me at all. Firstly the director dreamt about the Na’vi when he was only a teenager. We understand that dreams can either come from God, human experience or Satan. There was an artist who gave himself over to Satan and he asked Satan to reveal himself to this man because he would like to see who he is worshipping he then proceeded to start painting and he said he felt something take over him and paint what he had painted ended up looking like the Na’vi but more alien like. Secondly there is clear witchcraft and rituals in the these movies. And then the normalising of a man who basically astral projects into a non human and then proceeds to have sexual intimacy with another non human biblically this would be an abomination to God He made that clear when fallen angels slept with humans and produced hybrids as it was in the days of Noah

    As Christians it’s totally up to you what you watch but I think it’s important to understand the root and intentions of these movies because it’s not just entertainment it’s a form of indoctrination and predictive programming they want to normalize things that God is against and let you come into agreement with it if you watch, consume and engage you by default have come into agreement with it. We cannot passively watch or listen to just anything we need to be sober minded and vigilant and become active listeners and do some homework before participating in these things.

    There is a video on YouTube from little light studios on Avatar for more insight on this

    As Christians we cannot use the excuse God knows my heart and my intentions and it’s what I make out of it and there’s some good things in there. You intentions doesn’t take away that wrong is wrong and right is right, if something is rooted in evil we cannot redeem it or make out of it what we want and there is nothing good aside from God they just want you think that even the devil apprearith as an angel of light. God Bless


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