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  1. Both of our kids were born by cesarean.

    My wife is 11 years younger than I and was a virgin.

    It's hard to be intimate while the kids are in the house. We like being able to be vocal.

  2. Ever considered there are people out their that don’t want marriage lifestyle and are not wanting to get married or are not interested in having kids, people who are gay or asexual. Don’t argue with me on that there are people who are actually born like that and have always felt that way and are just being themselves. some people who just want sex but not interested in relationships. Your religion is very restrictive and as a ex Christian what adults do in there personal life is not your business or Gods business man. Also marriage was actually originally in America to gain property and evolved into love over time. I left Christianity cause all these rules are restrictive and destroyed my mental health and well being and conditioned me to think that people of different religions were bad people and would go to hell.

  3. Of course the Bible says no sex. Obviously God is more important than his own "children". If he loved his children as much as that damn book says, then it would be told differently. Only on God's terms!! And only on God's terms is a connection real. Dumb

  4. Love the vid! I would say your point about not being able to tell if the sex is good or otherwise that that’s not necessarily true. If the person in the act is performing badly then the other partner could obviously tell. But that’s an opportunity because both partners can explore and improve together without, as you noted, the comparison game going on and such. I’d also add the emotional and spiritual ties that could occur in a person with a history of former sex partners.

    In any event, good vid and I’m subscribed!

  5. I'm not religious at all but I do find videos like this helpful I want to have a healthy happy married life and there are good values in treating sex as something that you both partake in with purpose and something you actively work on together for mutual fulfillment.

  6. I relate to this so much. My husband was my first everything. I had no idea what was possible, and even 7 years in we discover new things about each other.?

  7. married 5 years havent had sex with my wife in 2.5 yrs because my wife always say menopause but she lies..shes a goof and we are both Christians and im tired of it ..i might cheat on her tail

  8. First Rule Of A Good Christian Marriage:

    "If no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death."

    Deuteronomy 22:20

  9. I still don't get, "Acts of Service" I can't see how anyone can use this as a love language. My wife claims this love language and it bares little fruit. I'm looking at it as an excuse to get out of doing house work.

  10. Sex is the ultimate communication between husband and wife. In fact, you can say that sex between a couple is 24/7. Women are slow cookers (crockpots) ; men are microwave ovens. The actual physical orgasm is the icing on the cake.

  11. What a fantastic job you've done presenting a truly biblical perspective on sex in marriage and how it's an expression of God's love and intention for people. So honest, beautiful, and informative!


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