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  1. I can relate to what that boy feels like,, but it was my mother who turned me away from her,, she rejected her only children.. she showed no love at all towards me and my siblings ,, I grew up thinking something was wrong with me, until just a few years ago ,,

  2. You were an alcoholic! Why spend a weekend w a child if you're not going to spend time w child but spend w other drunks! Your actions affected how your son felt about life!! I know! I'm affected by the cruel actions of my parents + family! They're not worth my time! There dead longtime ago + it didn't bother me one bit when they died!! My special friends meant more to me!! Life!!!

  3. Sad-thought provoking flick. Wish my friend (who has issues with her father ) and my brother could see this m0vie.

    Wish my father hadn't already passed so that my brother nd i could have expressed similar sentiment to him before dying.

    Im sure manyyyy people can relate to this movie.

    Thanks for thee uPload.

  4. Thank everyone involved in the production and for the upload. Earthly life is tough – Rich or poor, race,gender….Holy Trinity, Forgiveness, Repentance – Personal self responsibility has given me the possibility to make the best and hope-Hope for Eternity.

  5. I think this was a very good movie, everyone!!! Thank you so very much for the message here!!! And for having it involve Jesus Christ and the gospel!!!! Thank you to any & involved in this film!! Love, Sister Gay Michaelis (and Brother Duane Michaelis in the spirit world now) and family ❤😇🙏👍🤗💕

  6. Why do dads just give up trying? Why do they not decide to be brave and put in the work and effort to break generational behavior and be the best version of themselves?

    My dad was amazing and I thank God for him. But my three children's dad was emotionally unavailable and when the opportunity came detached himself from their lives. My heart breaks for their hurt. I can only pray that they will get to know a Heavenly Father who loves them unconditionally and will never leave them.

  7. I related to this movie, I worked on my childhood wounds of forgiving and and am sorry for those I may in rebelling but still feel the pain of rejection. It is a journey of healing but keep on trucking don’t give up run your goal and get close to God, he helped me to mend.

  8. The Muster point of this movie 🎬 men are not supposed to CRY… that's a LIE… from the pit of hellll. God bottles 🍼 up our tears, and also the😪😪😪 healthiest way to relEASE pain. No pain, no GAIN…. NOTE TO SELFIE 🤳 BOOZE IS BAD NEWS 👎 🎬 BEARS 🐻 IT WILL DISsolve the whole family. Train up in a way a child should goooo 🚗 🚘 🚔 and he will not dePART from It! Monkey👀 🙈 🙉 🙈 👀 MonKEY 🐒 D👀👀👀 🔑 🗝 🔐

  9. Difficult to watch and can be triggering f you’re dealing with or in the process of healing from a father wound… So much insight and wisdom through! I love how he dealt with it by giving it to God and not letting the bitterness fester.. I also appreciate to creators of the movie for showing the initial struggle he went through to get to the point of surrender and forgiveness. For all those on this journey, it is a long and winding road riddled with ups and downs.. I wish you courage and faith in the God that works ALL things out for the good of those that love Him and are called according to His purpose. He holds the pen! May we trust Him with the pain that he may give us freedom, love, peace and joy in return. Teach us full surrender Lord. Heal our hearts! Help us to experience true healing and restoration through our relationship with You, who is a PERFECT father. 🙏🏾 Amen

  10. My ex could never forgive his Dad, I continue to pray for him! His Dad is gone now! He ended up a delightful blessing in my & our children's lives! First 1 to greet us when we pulled up, last or only 1 to walk us to the car & wave goodbye! ❤

  11. I can't watch this movie. It's just too painful too painful for too many reasons. And even though I'm a very strong Christian who loves the Lord and I write poetry every day about these very topics, this is just too close to home too close to home.


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