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  1. America s obsession with sport’ has always made me wonder about all the under achievers that never make it how they feel. It is a bit like faith in the Lord is it about being successful wealth on top of the pack. Faith is simply an act of the heart win or lose it’s just living by faith rich or poor

  2. Sad to see when parents don't show love and support to their kids. But that is life and even parents, or any relative, can fail and mess up badly, because the fact is, not one of us is perfect, only God is. It was good to see that Kuykendall though sad and disappointed, never gave up, and I'll bet it was having a personal relationship with Jesus that made all the difference. It certainly got me through times when both my parents stopped talking to me and blocked me out of their lives for 6 months because I did not do what they expected me to do. Good to see a true life story like this. THanks for posting


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