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  1. This was a wonderful movie for the whole family. I shared it to twitter….. (X) and tried to share to facebook. But facebook would not let me post it and instead said "Your message couldn't be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive"…….WELL, YOU KNOW…….The only people that would find this movie abusive are SATANIST,…….I thought Satanist ARE ALL ABOUT ABUSE. …The problem IS….THEY DON'T WANT ANYTHING ABOUT GOD OUT TO OTHERS. I'm beginning to believe now they are very touchy and the 2 GREATEST COMMANDMENT GIVEN TO US FROM GOD….""""And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself""" Matthew 22:39 KJV

  2. I want to Thank the Greatest love this world has ever known the love that does the impossible all through our Faithful Loving Jesus Christ ❤I loved every moment of this performance giving God all the glory..To love our neighbors as ourselves brings transformation that keeps us on the Narrow Road leading to Eternal life ❤😊.Again thank you a movie anointed by the HolySpirit of all truth ❤ me and our Hope of the world our soon coming Bridegroom Jesus Christ ❤😊


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