Christian Movie "Yearning" | How Will Christians Be Raptured Into the Kingdom of Heaven?

Disasters are now a frequent occurrence the world over. Do you want to be raptured into the kingdom of heaven before the great …


  1. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for saving me and giving me eternal life. I am so happy in knowing that the Son of God lives within my heart. I love you and serve you with all my heart.

    Remember: Grace through Faith in Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection… not of ourselves, lest any man boast. So, don’t beat yourself up over sins or think you have to earn it. Do what you can, but it’s all about Jesus.

  2. All in all
    The Lord is not the author of confusion.
    We shouldn’t look for a sign of times but to be sure that we are ready. It is not a guarantee that we see tomorrow, the next second is not promised. We should be sure that we are alignment with the Lord as we are lead of the Holy Spirit. We should seek out our own relationship with the Father and not just go off of what we hear. God bless you all


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