Christian Movie "The Gospel Messenger" | Preaching the Gospel of the Last Days (English Full Movie)

Do you want to welcome the Lord’s return? Do you hope to attend the feast with the Lord? You are welcome to contact us via …


  1. Since I accepted God’s salvation in the last days, I know God’s eager will is that the sheep of God can return to God’s home soon. In the years of preaching the gospel, I also was often slandered and rejected though I didn’t have such thrilling experience. Every time it’s these words of God encouraging me, “Have you ever thought how grieved and anxious God’s heart is? How can He bear to see the innocent mankind He created with His own hands suffering such torment? … Have you forgotten that you are one of the victims? Out of your love for God, are you not willing to strive to save those who have survived? Are you not willing to use all your effort to repay the God who loves mankind like His own flesh and blood?” God, thank You!

  2. i preach the same gospel as Enoch.

    I preach the same gospel as Noah.

    i preach the same gospel as Abraham.

    I preach the same gospel all the prophets preached.

    I preach the same gospel as John the baptist did.

    i preach the same gospel as Yahweh's SON Yahshua preached.

    I preach the same gospel Yahshua told His discples to preach twice.

    I preach the same gospel Paul preached

    .Everyone Yahweh sent preached the same gospel.

    The gospel has not changed from the days of Enoch to the LAST day.

    Matt. 3: 2. Matt. 4: 17. Mark. 1: 15. Acts 28: 31.

    SEE , i have preached to you the Everlasting gospel of Yahweh's Kingdom to come. Rev. 14: 6 and 7.

    Beware of the christians Yahweh has blinded them to His Gospel of the coming Kingdom.

    I say again:" THE COMING KINGDOM."

    Coming to this earth made NEW.

    Matt . 5: 5. The Meek will inherit the earth made NEW at Yahshua's second coming.

    Yahweh is making a Kingdom for His SON to sit in the NEW Jerusalem and rule the earth made as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Rev. 20: 4.

    Rev. 5: 10. Yahweh's SAINTS will rule with Yahshua during His thousand year reign on the earth made NEW commencing at His second coming.

    Isa. 2: 3- 4. Isa. 11: 6- 9. Isa. 66: 22- 23. Micah 4: 2- 3. These scriptures will be fulfilled during Yahshua's thousand year reign on the earth made NEW as King of Kings and lord of lords.
    Rev. 20: 4 and 6.

    Zeck 14 is the second coming.

    Zeck 14: 4- 5. the great valley is the resting place for Yahshua's BRIDE as the Home for the SAINTS during His thousand year reign on the earth made NEW. Rev. 21: 9- 10.

    Zeck. 14: 19. And Yahweh will be KING over all the earth during His SONS thousand year reign on the earth made NEW as king of kings.

    Zeck. 14: 16. the nations are still on the earth after the second coming and will come up to the NEW Jerusalem to keep the feast of Tabernacles for the thousand years.

    Matt . 5: 5. the Meek will inherit the earth made NEW at His second coming.

    2 Peter 3: 10- 13. Verse 10 the second coming. verses 11 and 12 Yahweh burns the universe. Verse 13 Yahweh creates the NEW heaven(S) and the NEW earth for His Messiah's thousand year reign a King of Kings.

    Rev. 2: 26- 28 Yahweh's SAINTS will rule with Yahshua commencing at His second coming for THE thousand years. Rev. 20; 4 and 6.

    Rev. 5: 10. Yahshua's body of Anointed ONES will rule with Him during His thousand year reign sitting on David's throne in the NEW Jerusalem as King of kings.

    Rev. 21: 1- 4. Verse 1. The New earth. Verse 2. Yahshua's BRIDE on the earth made NEW. .Verse 3. The Tabernacle of Yahweh is the NEW Jerusalem. Verse 4. The Kingdom of Yahweh on the earth made NEW.

    Yahweh will be the GREAT King over all the earth. Zeck. 14: 9.

    Yahshua will be Yahweh's vassel King.

    Yahshua will be King of 144,000 Kings. Rev. 14: 1- 5.

    Rev. 21: 3. ALL the world will come up to The NEW Jerusalem to keep the feast of Tabernacles for the thousand years.
    Isa. 66: 22- 23.

    Look not to the things of this world for they will pass away.

    .LOOK for the things not seen. FAITH.

    May Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures of things to come.

    ALL those who call upon His NAME say:" Praise Yahweh for His Everlasting WORD ."

    Heb. 12: 14.

    May THE creator Yahweh bless you.

  3. The "gospel by which we are saved" (1 Cor 15:1-4 & Luke 24:44-48) is belief Christ in Christ Crucified, buried, AND RESURRECTED (by which we are also justified – "made just" by grace through Faith). Though I really like the ambiance of this film, its implying works are a ROOT of salvation, not a FRUIT. Maybe something is lost in translation?…..or….. Perhaps they are merely trying to say you can fall away if you go off into sin in the Last Days, as it says at the end of Matthew 24??? Thus you should be a wise virgin and not deny Christ?

  4. When I was 5 I was told about the name of Jesus I wanted to do things my way so didn't really cared to know him but one day it all changed as I was losing my most beloved blessing I started to look everywhere until I came across Mathew my life has changed it keeps changing no other name can be compared to his I invite you to read about him pure love kindness understanding he's all and more

  5. No, the day of the Lord has not yet come. Apostle paul wrote do not be surprised or alarm by people saying the day of the Lord has already come. The day of the Lord will not come until a man appeared with abomination claiming to be God or worship.

  6. Why is this person different from people? The two sisters said that the United States (the Bible) also used the police poison to beat people. I see it in my eyes.

  7. Jesus Loves you. Please stop and give your life to Him. Love nothing in this world nor anything in it. It is all temporary. Once a man to die and after that is Judgement!! Read John @ in the bible!! BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THOU SHALT BE SAVED!

  8. Thank God, I now understand that only the Lords sheep hear His voice and follow Him. The religious pastors are truly blind and do not know. In their arrogance they strive to keep people bound to themselves away from Jesus they profess to serve.


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