Christian Movie Reviews (Dead Meat Podcast #132)

Chelsea and James spread the Good Word & learn which horror movie villain has the potential to heal the left/right political divide.


  1. I’m a disabled Christian and it’s really nice to see other Christians getting along in this comment section. I do use Christiananswers but that’s only for peoples opinions on the movie but I really liked plugged in cause it helps me as a disabled person because plugged in tells you what positive elements are in the movie especially horror movies. I also know that watching horror movies are actually good for your health.

  2. I almost choked and died on my coffee because I decided to take a drink while Chelsea was discussing the butt tattoo of The Boy. I’m okay now, but I will be pausing all videos I watch anytime I need to drink something from now on. 😂😂😂

  3. I was stuck for about ten minutes trying to figure out Child's Play. I finally got it after I went through the slate of 2019 horror movies and Kill Count franchises a hundred times without ever thinking of it. I feel like such a moron.

  4. Just sharing my feelings here
    I am a follower of Christ who also loves art and film but when a YouTube channel makes jokes aimed at religion or specific groups in my mind it's often hard to tell if they're making fun of my God or the specific branch of Christianity of which there are many
    But no matter what the intention is sharing reviews from people who are any type of Christian seems to just perpetuate the idea that "ALL" Christians are like this and then we get people thinking because of some Christians out there saying things like secular entanglement or art is a sin people assume all Christians hold that view so then I have to be careful to talk only about God and biblical study around people or they'll say I'm a hypocrite and not listen to me when I try to talk about my faith
    I feel alienated by the world like they demand I be either a monk or only worldly and I just feel I have to say every time I see a video attacking churches even if I disagree with that particular churches doctrine I sometimes have a hard time determining what the person's motive was if their hating on my God directly
    Either way it can indirectly lead to the social isolation I feel when Atheist/agnostics assume if my doctrine differs from the footloose style doctrine that I'm not credible when it comes to religion
    Bottom line there are many different sects of Christianity including gnostic-christianity and I feel attacked every day on YouTube by channels I used to love and then I feel to keep watching is to turn my back on God so I unsubscribe
    Not all Christians are in the same sect of Christianity

  5. Coraline is one of my favorite movies, and I gotta say, that review is… utterly baffling. Coraline's parents never abuse her- at worst they're emotionally neglectful. And saying that the whole movie was anti christian ideals is honestly pretty funny to me lmao. They looked at this movie where a girls mother turns into a cannibalistic spider monster and went "of course… atheist propaganda." At least they admitted it was well made.

  6. 43:10 up until this point I was sure it was Trick 'r Treat. It's stunning how well everything fits : The cast made mostly of kids and teens, kids doing awful stuff on cam ("Don't forget to help me with the eyes"), done in a kill count, and so much more !

  7. I feel like Christian Horror Movies have relation to things back in the bible. Like in the conjuring, Bathsheba. It makes things that Jesus or God has said himself and make it into a horror movie.

  8. Watching this episode for the first time and all of Chelsea's fears of covering American Psycho came true as soon as it happened lmao… sad world we live in when people still can't handle honest and witty critiques on themselves/people they idolize

  9. Being a Christian I do want to say something about something that was brought up around 7:57 .I think most people think that there’s two types of Christians, ones that love and accept homosexuals and ones that hate them, 2 things, In the Bible it says that that it is a sinful thing but it also says to love everyone, so you can not believe in something that someone does but still love them cause God made them and they are just as human as you, I think any Christian that hates on those people are totally in the wrong and don’t show the majority of good Christians out there. Hating and despising is also a sin, to my fellow Christians remember, Jesus forgave and loved the Romans that executed him, so if you don’t agree with homosexuality you don’t have to hate them, like you God created them, and I’m not saying a agree with it but I don’t hate anyone.

  10. Fuck, I was raised a Catholic, dipped before confirmation, but it stuck with me enough that my first viewing of The Excorcist caused permanent and wide-ranging damage to my psyche and cognitive abilities.

  11. Horror movies are fun and scary at the same time. I love the survivalist theme within these movies and how much we can conquer evil with God by our side. I also love a tragic ending as well for the shock factor that it has. ❤

  12. I agree with Chelsea about more movie sites having a rating for the quality of the filmmaking. Cause you can hate a movie for its plot and characters and all sorts of stuff but I would love to see the difference on the rating of the movie versus the ranking for the filmmaking itself.


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