Christian Movie "My Dream of the Heavenly Kingdom" | A Pastor's True Story of Welcoming the Lord

How can we escape the bonds of sin and be raptured to the kingdom of heaven? You are welcome to join our group to find the …


  1. Some of my opinions were changed by this video. In the past, I thought sacrifice and labour for the Lord which can enter the Heavenly Kingdom and get reward. But it is unexpected which is not an easy thing for entering into Heavenly Kingdom, but only the one who does the will of Heavenly Father who is in it.

  2. Before, when I read Matthew 7:13-14, “Enter you in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads to life, and few there be that find it.” I was not clear, for most of people around me follow the Lord, going the church where we prayed and listened to preaching and shared life experiences. I was thinking this is the right way, then what kind of way is the narrow way.
    Today, I watched this video, which gave me a new understanding. The true way has been persecuted since the ancient times. Every time when God does His new work, due to its being unfathomed by man always, only a very small portion of this mankind can recognize and accept, this group of people will surely face with all kind of condemn, rejection, even the thread of life and death. This is the narrow way full of frustrations but there will be eternal life in the end. In this video, when being faced with persecution from the Chinese government, many Christians, who had already felt the work of holy spirit in the church of Almighty God, yet they dared not to seek or accept. This confirm a verse, Matthew 7:14 "Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads to life, and few there be that find it."
    Exactly, keeping the footsteps need not only betraying our previous knowledge of God but also the great encourage to face all persecutions. This is the way, I think, the Lord asks us to follow.

  3. This film did touch me, and changed some of my views that I had for years.
    Before, I had thought we toiled and labored for the Lord was doing the will of heavenly Father, when the Lord come in the last days, we’ll surely be taken into the kingdom of heaven. Today, this film told me doing the will of heavenly Father was not easy as I thought before.
    Revelation 14:4 “… These are they which follow the Lamb wherever he goes. …”
    This is the Lord’s requirement of His followers. Doing the will of heavenly Father, most importantly, is to keep the footsteps of the Lord. where there is His new voice or His new work, he/she will go with it. To achieve this, man need not only our heart, a heart of humbleness, a heart of seeking for truth, but also great courage that in whatever severe circumstance, he will always follow the footsteps of God to the end. The way the two Koreans trod was just this way.
    Praise the Lord!

  4. Now , I just watch a video from " The Church of almighty God " and I shared it with a warning that that video alone I like because it mentioned the truth about God and the time's we are in. But YouTube is the devils playground such as Facebook , Twitter , instagram , Yahoo , they are all ( one in the same ) but you better believe that God always has his people working as well. YouTube is a cess pool of evil & mis/disinformation campaigns and one must have discernment of God too recognize that. Now I decided to watch another video from this channel but when I saw the Christmas tree 🌲 and the people singing and dancing with Christmas hats on their heads I immediatel stop watching.

    WARNING : If you are a born again Christian and you are to serve God proper you must stop celebrating all ( Holidays ) as everyone of them are pagan traditions and God said learn not the ways or traditions of man as they serve him in vain !!! NO HOLIDAYS !!!

  5. It is very important for China Christian believers to stay in their faith because this is a crucial time for them… Make your faith and prayers strong to overcome what is to come… Spread the word to every corner to all people… China is gonna suffer for what he has done but do not weep nor worry or fear for the believers and the obedient because you will be protected… Blessed are those who risk their lives to preach the gospel the word of God… I will pray for the Christians in China…

  6. I just want to clarify… Jesus Christ 2nd coming will be seen worldwide… The old Heaven and old Earth will perish… And I saw in my vision of what God showed me that the New Earth is ready… The Kingdom is not here on Earth but in the New Earth… The coming of Jesus Christ is to fulfill his promise after the judgment which is what is happening right now… Every church in this world is being judged… And the root of evil is being uprooted… remember John the baptist before the coming of Jesus the household must be cleansed first because is it the King who will come… From Our Father prayer: Thy Kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven… No secrets will be hidden… No lies will not be revealed… And about his coming it is in REVELATION read it so you'll understand but pray first.

  7. No doubt the Second Coming concomitant with the resurrection of the dead—both of the saved and the unsaved—is yet to happen. But do the Scriptures mean, literally, that Jesus will appear in the clouds all around the earth, simultaneously, so that all people can see Him? the believers being “caught up together … in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air” (1 Thessalonians 4:17). Or you may have read “Behold, He comes with clouds” (Revelation 1:7). Therefore, The Bible makes it clear that when He (Jesus) comes at His second coming He will not touch the earth. But all the saved ones will join Him in the air and be taken to heaven while the unsaved will be destroyed by His coming brightness. Search the Bible as it says that in the last days there will be Scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires (2 Peter 3:3).

  8. The Real Jesus Christ The Son Of God Does Not Worship Christmas day the holiday is pagan it's not in The Holy Bible The World Famous Holy Book The Holy Bible I hope and pray that you all believe in the true Sabbath Friday night Saturday

  9. does the book of revelation say s that Jesus is the almighty God ? what new doctrine is this? and who is this almighty god they are waiting?are they reading from a perverted version?

  10. The Almighty God is not the Son of God, but the Heavenly Father. Jesus is now our High Priest in Heaven advocating for His followers during the judgement since 1844 according to scripture. During or near the end of our WW III to come, Our savior will come as a thief to punish His church by removing the tares (Ezekial 9; 1 Peter 4:17; Matthew 13:30) and those that are left will experience the second Pentecost. This group will have the power of the Holy Spirit and go through the world to bring a great multitude out of the world and the 2nd Exodus will begin…all going to the kingdom our Lord will set up here on Earth (a safe haven like Noah’s Ark) until after the 7 last plagues fall upon the wicked and then return to gather His flock to meet Him in the sky and go to Heaven for 1,000 years as the Earth lay desolate with all wicked dead. Isiah 13:9

  11. The content of this video has been translated entirely by professional translators. However, due to linguistic differences etc., a small number of inaccuracies are inevitable. If you discover any such inaccuracies, please refer to the original Chinese version, and feel free to get in touch to let us know.AMEN THANK GOD

  12. Amen!
    This movie is amazing!
    It explains God's Judgment Words and Work so clearly, all my confusion about God's Judgment Words and Work of the Last Days were cleared up. I am totally convinced of why God has to do Judgment work in the Last Days. It is to remove mankind's sinful nature, so they can be purified and be saved.
    Thanks be to Almighty God!


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