After two thousand years of hoping and waiting, the Lord has finally returned! You’re welcome to contact us to learn about the …


  1. My God…today i truly learned that i didn't come to this earth just to eat, drink, clothes,got married, to enjoy flesh…that should not be the center of my life and thats not what i am supposed to be…but my life here on earth is to serve You, to love You, to fear You, to satisfy You, to live my life for You..from today let me have the heart that my life is to do my duty for u only and to satify you..may You always let me to remember this..Amen..Thanks be to Almighty God for His salvation..???

  2. Heavenly father may your kingdom come as in the heaven. Chinese Christians have to deal with communist party in China, if we live in western countries, as ethnic minorities have to deal with racism , be treated unfair, even be attacked because hate crime. Father that's why we need your kingdom to come desperately.

  3. I need to follow this example when persecution comes to the states and most of all the examples of Christ. I need find out if there's more movies like this because this made me shed a tear to my eyes.

  4. Are there any greater creeps on the planet than the commies? It may be not be Christian, but I can't deny my grudge against these demons. Religious persecution with the CCCP Virus as icing on the cake for the entire planet. I'm hoping for a nice quick revolution to wipe them from the Earth. Can't help it!

  5. Saya berdoa kiranya para pemimpin bahkan Presiden China dijamah oleh Tuhan, mereka akan menerima Tuhan Yesus Kristus sebagai Tuhan dan Juru Selamat pribadi mereka dan makin banyak rakyat di Negara China yang percaya kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus

  6. I am deeply moved to the very source of my soul…. They have conquered over Satan's persecutions and more than showed their faith in a way that seems so remote to us in the western world. May our Lord keep them safe in their faith and reward them with the highest honors granted to the faithful in his kingdom….. I have so much to learn….

  7. This movie is an eye-opener and wake-up call to all Christians who have been taking advantage of the freedom of religion given by the government of their country and God's goodness.

  8. I'm a Christian in Nigeria, this is also similar to what we are facing especially the northern part of the country.
    This is a call to rise up and pray for our dear Jerusalem and to remember Chinese Christians in our prayers. Jesus is at hand

  9. This movie and Tortured for Christ made me cry and opened my eyes even more. This is meaning of Christianity, shating a Gospel, beliaving in Lord Jesus, and be Loyal until end!

    Sadly today Churches Lack this… 🙁 ??✝️

  10. Lord, please forgive me for taking for granted, what others suffer and die for…the chance to worship and serve you. I pray for these brothers and sisters who endeavor to love and serve you to the end of this life.


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