As a Christian girl in High School, I’ve seen and experienced a lot. Today, here are some biblically based Christian high school …


  1. What my bible school group taught me is that not one sin is greater than the other. God doesn’t judge or think one sin is worse than another. Repent and the lord will GLADY forgive you. God bless 💝💝✝️✝️🤗

  2. Day 2 in tenth grade- as a really devoted Christian! Don’t have one friend in my school cuz I just moved there but- tdy my teacher asked us to do 4 corners and she said sm about should murder be justified and ik that maybe no but everyone was at strongly agree and only one person was at disagree and I felt to go join but I felt ashamed cuz I would say sm from the Bible and ppl will prolly laugh and I am so sad- cuz I betrayed Jesus and I am afraid that I won’t be able to stand up for my Faith in the future! It’s easier said than done! I used to say every second I would stand up for what is true but I have such low self esteem. Please pray that God will provide me with a friend that loves Him and we will encourage each other to share the gospel! And I literally have 0 friends in that sch- and tdy we were working in groups( not mandatory) but everyone got tg but I had no partner(though I didn’t plan on working in a group) and I am also afraid that I will be influenced and I will walk away from God cuz of influence cuz my sch isn’t the best. But I will trust in God I don’t know or think I care so much about friends but that I have the courage to speak up for Christ even if it means mocking. I don’t wanna be afraid honestly! But fear always creeps in. And I feel rejected for some reason but I just need prayer and please reply if you need a prayer! Sorry it’s long:) and also my relationship with God has wavered I have included the gospel in my sch work that includes sharing in front of the class( sm like God bless or Live for Jesus- but Ik that’s not enough but about the Live for Jesus one……… that’s a story for another Time 🙂 👍🏾

  3. I just had to say that I’m so thankful that you made this video I’ve been looking for one that talked about the topics you talked about and you did not miss the mark you gave me more than what I was looking for so thank you ☺️ 🙏🏾

  4. Wow I remember when I found your videos before I was so lost and lukewarm I disagreed so much and was so deceived now looking at this being born again I agree so much funny how much God can change a person in just a few months

  5. Main Points:
    1. Watch your friends (1Corinthians 15:33; 2Corinthians 6:14, Proverbs 27:17).
    2. Let your lifestyle tell others that you're a Christian, not just your words (John 14:15; James 2:18; Matthew 5:14-15)
    3. Keep your relationships godly and God-centred. If you know you can't do that, Song of Songs 8:4
    4. Repent and draw near to God when you mess up. Yes, I am sure that nothing can separate us from God’s love—not death, life, angels, or ruling spirits. I am sure that nothing now, nothing in the future, no powers, nothing above us or nothing below us—nothing in the whole created world—will ever be able to separate us from the love God has shown us in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Romans 8:38‭-‬39 ERV

    4. Be grateful for your education (Colossians 3:23).
    5. Let the Holy Spirit guide you (John 14:26)

  6. I thank God that I found you at a time where I'm trying to navigate my current romantic relationship as a 15 yr old. I've been really trying and asking God to guide me on how I should go about it and should I even be doing it. But I feel that your video has atleast answered some of my questions. Thank you and may God bless you.✝️❤


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