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  1. In case anyone is still curious, EMDR is basically a technique that is supposed to create new neuro pathways in the brain, so that when someone is reminded of a past trauma, they won't have the same reaction to it they once had. EMDR isn't like hypnosis or anything. I've done it with mild to moderate success. EMDR in itself isn't concerning, but my experience is that therapists that offer it are into hypnosis and other spiritual leanings that I do find concerning. I no longer do EMDR, or see a therapist, because finding a Christian one who understands my beliefs is difficult.

  2. There are now Christian porn stars. You mentioned that on a previous broadcast last year. You were speaking in jest, but that’s actually a thing now. God bless you and your family. Thank you for all you do.

  3. You are articulating it just fine Spencer. Part of my testimony is the Lord leading me out of Charismatic, Apostolic & big Evangelical churches.
    I used to love Hillsong & other music by fake Christians. When God started this big work in me – I learned about CCM & other so called Christian music, from an old Baptist Pastor, I found online.
    I learned so much from Him, then the Holy Spirit taught & guided me, step by step about so many biblical subjects.
    I really do give all glory & praise to my Lord & Saviour, Jesus Christ. Today, I can't comprehend how mature Christians don't understand it all. All you need to do is ask God to lead you to His truth.
    I was taught false doctrine my whole life, after 9 years old. Which is when I was born again at a Baptist church in Zimbabwe/Rhodesia.
    God spoke to my heart through His Spirit. But I had to be willing to push all I'd learned away, & in faith trust Him to lead me into all truth.
    One big revelation, was the Holy King James Bible, being God's true Word.
    Everytime I had doubts or questions (I had no church & no Pastor), God led me to the right people, Pastors.
    He led me to the scriptures to confirm it.
    At times I got frustrated, even confused. But again, the Lord showed me using many different ways, & I would absolutely 'get it'! Then I would have perfect peace.
    I was a sponge & I read, searched, studied scripture, read good books from Biblical Baptist, KJB believing pastors & teachers, for hours & hours every day & night.
    My testimony is so huge though! That's not meant in a prideful way, it's proof & evidence, of whom the Bible God says He is.. I can't actually comprehend His great love, mercy, gentleness, compassion & forgiveness towards me.

  4. AMEN, Brother Spencer. Keep preaching CHRIST and Him crucified. The glorious Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ SAVES… nothing else will. Don’t lose your confidence. Keep speaking God’s Word. Let us all fight the good fight of Faith, putting on the WHOLE ARMOUR of God daily. By His Grace, He will strengthen and refresh us, daily. Love you in the Lord brother. Praying for you and your family in these dark days. Come Lord Jesus. 🙏🏻✝️❤️👑

  5. Oh & yes you are right. It does not matter who you are, where you are from or how old you are – it's ONLY God's Word that speaks to the hearts of people. Nothing needs to be added.
    I personally can't stand Christians trying to act 'cool' or dress 'cool' …that has nothing to do with God or salvation.
    I saw a tweet by a Pastor – he said he had just started to pastor in a new church, & they had a bowling alley, which was a 'bonus' to attract people.
    I asked him what that had to do with Christianity, that a church is not there to entertain people.
    He was not impressed.

  6. Brothers, the view to like is dangerously low. Remember, Brother Spencer told us that if you don't smite thine like button, then your transmission will go out, and your mother in law will move in with you.

  7. Just a curiosity, why do Premillennial Dispensationalists take parts of Revelation so literally, while taking the rest of it symbolically? Isn't all of Apocalyptic literature supposed to be read as symbolism?

  8. "things are looking good because things are looking bad"

    Today is a very good day to get your life right with the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

    Praise and Bless our Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

    One God, one Jesus, one Holy Spirit and one Bible, (AKJV) amen.

    May God bless His pastors, amen.

  9. Could it not be that the O.T. saints are witness TO us? We look at their lives and it's a witness to us for what to do and not do. Witness could mean they are a testimony to us, not them watching us.

  10. So glad you have covered this issue. I've noticed all tgses Christian films and channels on you tube. To be honest it's confusing and it's a trap. I've just shut off from it and not watched any of these films.

  11. I was chewing popcorn and thought you said, “Glenn Beck is a woman; there is no way he is a born again man.” Almost spit my popcorn out. Don’t ever watch Spencer Smith while chewing popcorn.

  12. I’m a Calvinist but I don’t fall under the Reformed category because I’m not Amill/Postmill. I definitely don’t believe in Christian liberty.

    I definitely wanted to see what you thought of this movie because since becoming a Christian 5 years ago I don’t mess with horror or demonic movies anymore. It’s been a strong conviction of mine

  13. You know it surprises me how much I agree with you ,maybe because when I left the RCC,and got saved ,everything I thought was good ,is now bad ,and everything I thought was bad is now good, GOD TURNED ME 180 DEGREES ,cleaned up a dirty mouth,.music,there no such thing as Christian rock ,as far as I’m concerned ,my whole life has been changed.for 43 yrs ,I love this life much better, I was a AOG for a lot of yrs, now I watch you and a few others ,your not the normal baptize ,but I sure agree with you, if your going to say JESUS lives in you,you sure better try to walk like HIM .HE said that,🥰🌹🙏🙏🙏

  14. I disagree,,I think we fall in sin,because we are flesh,but I’m not a sinner ,I think a sinner is a person who lives in sin, like doing it every day and not thinking it’s wrong,I hat to sin ,so I try not too,but I am not a sinner ,but I do fall sometimes ,sorry

  15. Its so annoying how they try to commercialize something so sacred like God. Im tired of it theyre trying to poison the well as they woukd say but Gods true people will stand firm.

  16. There’s more pragmatism in churches today than Sound Biblical Doctrine, young pastors think they need to be relevant, that’s why the younger generations think entertainment must be part of a service instead of solid teachings and sharing of the Gospel with its beauty but also its hard truths. 🤦🏽‍♀️😔

  17. Thank you for loving the couple enough to share the gospel right then and there! That is exactly what we're called to do, even though some people, including Christians don't think that's enough! The gospel is more than enough!

  18. Yes! Wow, that’s what I’ve been thinking. What is this love affair with C.S. Lewis all about. Read your KJB and be very very careful about this stuff. Sad!

  19. THANK YOU. All the Christians who want to defend it argue side points and minutiae, but you hit it on the head: IT. IS. FLESH. And anyone who says it isn't knows deep down that they're quenching their discernment. Our conscience knows the difference between indulging the flesh and starving the flesh. Indulge it or starve it. You know which it is.

  20. I (and my friends at the time) got into some dark and harmful stuff while listening to Flyleaf. It was a twisted part of my life, and Flyleaf was not a light in the dark. It was PART of the culture.

  21. LOL I'm with you Spencer I heard the voice cause I was on the other computer then I saw her and I was like What! i thought she was black! LOL! it's so manufactured and I listened to some of her older stuff she doesn't sound like that her older stuff is more country sounding

  22. Amen, I recently was creeped out to be honest, saw someone I hadn't for years and got invited to a gathering. They started with "worship" (was just hypnotic trance affirmations basically), prayed since and will mark and avoid, it was like being in a room around snakes the way they all just shook from side to side in sync, it felt like something was there physically too and like it the air was restricted I just wanted to get out, there was a dark force and on a display screen for a laptop the mouse cursor was moving by itself around in circles. People need to read their bible and try the spirits whether they ARE of God.

  23. Here is the gospel: God says that we are sinners and that no

    amount of good works or behavioral changes on our part could ever

    make us holy enough to enter heaven. God sent His Son to pay for

    all of our sins. Jesus paid for our sins by dying on the cross for

    us all. His dead body was buried in a grave. On the third day, Jesus

    arose from the dead.

    The instant you believe this, He knows it and He saves you.

    “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on Me hath everlasting life”(John 6:47). The free gift is based solely upon your trust

    in what Jesus did for you and has nothing at all to do with what you

    do for Him. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of

    yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should

    boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

  24. It doesn’t matter who gets mad at you or how many get mad at you. You are speaking the truth. And people don’t want to hear it, that’s their problem.

    Just because someone puts something “semi Christian” in a movie or song, that doesn’t make it Christian or Biblical . I still ask myself “ What would Yashua think about this ( movie, song etc) ? Wouid He think this is a good way to spread His message?”


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