Christian Girl Talk! | Crushes, Singleness & Dating! I post EVERY Monday at (11:00am EST) & (8:00am PST) and I have a LOT of …


  1. Who does she think she is telling people who the can and can not date! As long as the couple love each other and know they are meant thats all that matters. Look at Mia she's not even dating anyone so she needs to keep her mouth quiet about dating! When she starts dating she can start talking!!

  2. I love this advice Mia! I have so much to say about this topic. I became a Christian when I was 16, but before that I was very disrespectful to the guys I dated. I didn't believe in love and marriage, I just wanted to have fun. After I became a Christian, my heart changed so much and I longed to find a good man and get married. But I knew that God had high standards for me and I couldn't find anyone who met those standards! Different guys came into my life over the years and during college, but I just knew that they weren't what God wanted for me so I kept waiting and praying for the right man. Finally when I was 26 I met a man who was so kind, loving, humble, wise, deeply spiritual, devout, hard working and smart. I just knew, something in me could recognize that here was the man I had been praying for all these years. He had every qualification. I fell in love with him and we got married!! That was almost 6 years ago and we're very happy together, God has used my husband to heal me and make my life so much better. I love him so much! Don't ever give up, miracles do happen but it might take years!! 💕

  3. The head of the woman is the man, the head of every man is Christ, the head of Christ is God. (1 Corinthians 11:3)

    Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus is a servant; the Son of God worships the Father. When Jesus was on the cross, he said, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?". (Matthew 27:46)

    "Why call me good? Nobody is good. Only God is good." (Mark 10:18)

    The head of every wife is her husband, the head of every man is Christ, the head of Christ is God.

    If your husband tells you to go against scriptures, you are NOT to do it. We are supposed to follow the laws of the land, if your husband tells you to commit a crime, you are NOT to do it.


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