Christian Dating: What To Do

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  1. DATING is not a Christian practice. DATING(and the wealth of this country) has given women too many choices. It has made them entitled and arrogant(more than the men).

  2. In guideline 1, you say that we should or should not tell each other what to do but in guideline 2, you say that Christians shouldn't date those who aren't equally yoked , this is a contradiction. Please advise.

  3. I’m in a relationship and my partner pushes me to fornicate. I’m not saying I’m innocent,but I definitely try not to. I’ve caught myself praying to God to help me get out of those situations. I know that my partner has no bad intentions. In fact she’ll probably completely understand if I tell her I want to stop. I’m trying to be better for God and stop. Any suggestions on how to ask my partner without sounding rude?

  4. "You there, are you tired of people calling out your bullshit? And are you tired of people on dating sites running from you as though you were on fire and they were made of gasoline just because you say magic words to a sky Genie? If so then you should lay aside your plan to grab an AR-15 and go to a school for a moment and try our app. On our app you.. yes you can meet singles who are just as batshit crazy as you are. Now I know what you're thinking." Where are all the testimonials?"…. Well I'm glad you asked. Our website happens to be so conservative that no one would give a testimonial because these tin foil hat wearing, maga, Ladean listening sons of b**** are all super afraid of what we're going to do with their info…They wouldn't sign the waivers. Good luck finding that much crazy on Plenty of Fish or Tinder. So download our app and live like it's 1955 todayyyyyy…."

  5. I disagree with the notion presented in this video that Christians can date one another to figure out whether they're meant for each other. I believe we should pray and wait until God calls us to further a relationship with a person He has intended for us.

  6. This is a question I currently have on my mind. So I am a Christian, and I have started dating this girl that's about an hour away from me. We met in VRChat. We both have so much in common, as if she is a mirror reflection of me. She is not Christian of course, as my family would like me to date a Christian Girl that goes to church.

    I don't go to church often as I am introverted at times, even though I know it is nice to have fellowship with other believers in real-life. I do go to a VRChat church service, as I think its nice to meet fellow believers from around the world.

    Ever since I started dating this girl, I asked her if I could introduce her to my lord & savior, Jesus. I that she didn't have to go to church with me or do anything religious. I also told her that I wouldn't force her in any way, and that if she had questions, I would do my best to answer them.

    Luckily, she replied that she didn't mind going to church with me, and stated that it was something she was thinking about. However, she said that she wont be changing herself or her beliefs to be molded to my family’s liking.

    How can I show her to Jesus without forcing it on her? I really want her, and she really wants me.

  7. I've been with my boyfriend for 2 years and 8 months. We started dating in high school when we were 16 and now both of us are about to turn 19. I love this guy and although we've struggled together, we've made it through some tough times and my family loves him and his family loves me. We've planned to get married after he graduated college.
    But about a week ago I was praying and I got this feeling that God needed us to separate. I've talked to my close friends, spiritual leaders, and parents about it but they all say that there might be something else going on. I tried to block the thought from my mind but it sent me into a spiral. I ran to God finally again the other night and he told me the same thing.
    Things we're just starting to get better with us, we made so much improvement and we're closer than ever.
    Obviously I love God more than anything and trust him. But I feel like I'm losing my mind a little bit. I know I'm not supposed to understand and that I just need to obey and to trust that God has a plan but SHEESH is this painful. I feel stuck, scared, crazy, and miserable.

  8. God Bless You!!! Keep making the videos! Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us. May God continue to love and bless you 🙏🏾❤️🙏🏾. I love you brother! God Before You and God Behind You.

  9. This is super dangerous. There’s nothing about looking for support and guidance from others you love and trust. Just trust your heart and whatever passage you think might be relevant in any given moment? Also, most people who date, Christian or otherwise are going to have sex with one another in some fashion. Is there a second part video that addresses the millions of people that are going to have sex with their partners and still want to make the relationship work because they love their partner? Preferably something that doesn’t involve heaping guilt and shame on young people watching this and telling them they are defiled because they lost the fight with their biology and sex drive? Where is the grace? You can absolutely have premarital sex with someone and love them. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that if you have sex with someone, it makes you incapable of loving them fully. And how the heck do you know if you love God more than your significant other? What does that even mean? How do you quantify love? You’re going to have all these horny kids thinking they have to break up with their partners cuz they are infatuated with them and that somehow qualifies as “loving their partner more than god.”
    You’re playing with people’s lives and setting them up for failure and self-loathing.

  10. I personally am agnostic but as I'm growing older I realize that my morals and the morals I want in a partner are found in most Christian's and very rarely outside of those who arnt religious. So I've come to conclude that I would be happiest with someone who shares my morals and therefore probably a Christian. This video helped me figure out how I should treat a relationship with a Christian. Thank you

  11. I failed at guideline number 1… Tragically. And not even while dating…

    If at all you feel like you want to give in outside marriage? DON'T. Trust me. I thought I was a whole Christian: going to church, praying, reading the Bible… But despite all that, there wasnt an honest, true connection with God. (And of course the exposure and freedom I have here at Uni).

    Now that there is, I'm questioing a whole lot about my life, the choices I made then AND still make as a Christian. It's true that you carry a piece of someone when you've been intimate with them. I wept as I asked for forgiveness from God, and I still do when I look back at how far I've come. I wouldnt be here without Him… Even though I lost a tonne of friends and dont get any more attention from boys I thought were my friends, I'm happy in this place❤. And I'm in a heathy, God centered relationship.

    I wouldn't want anyone to live with the regret that I still carry around. Please, create and maintain those physical boundaries and form a deep connection with God. Its really important in life.

    This video spoke to me. You definitely have a new subscriber❤

  12. 8:13 this is true, I didn't realize this until it actually happened to me. Being a Christian is not a joke, what I meant is, being a Christian is having a huge responsibility, specially if you're already baptized. you can't just have fun all the time then serve to him whenever you want, He loves us. that's why he will do everything just to make us come back to him even if it hurt us

  13. For the 2nd point, it should be alright to date non-christian but still religious people. Maybe more inclining to fellow abrahamic faiths like Muslims and Jews, but in essence if the partner is also religious but not Christian it should be fine. In the end you both want the same thing, you both want to follow God.

  14. How have I gone in less than 10 seconds from a guy trying to beat the hardest pokemon fan game to this video? More importantly, why have I watched it all if I am pretty much an atheist?
    No clue to any of those questions, but I still have to say that it is a great video mate

  15. Daniel 10:19 "And he said, O man greatly loved, fear not, peace be with you; be strong and of good courage.” And as he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, “Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.”🙌

    Let God’s Peace and Grace be with you (To The Reader).'. Praise God always. Amen🙏🙌

  16. im gonna keep telling this story for the rest of my days. You will not fornicate after reading this.

    I lived in sinful relationships. I already tried everything you Christians are tempted to do with your Christian or non Christian gf/bf. I already went there. We had all the sex we wanted. I got into college and finally we were not under the restriction of our parents and could just do that in the privacy of my dorm. Multiple women as well in my past, there were no kids, no diseases, and no abortions, no damage to my career either. But yknow what Im broken. At the time, I developed a digestive disease bc of my guilt in trying to hold two warring worldviews, Red pill and Christianity..

    The last time I slept with someone, (I wont get explicit) I was in bed and I felt something leave my body and something else come in.. it was surreal and extremely uncomfortable to the point where I pushed up against the bed, and she did not notice, unless she was in on it. The next morning, I was a completely different person and actually LOST MY ABILITY TO PRAY. A month later, my pastor goes in on fornicators for like 45 minutes about how if we end up at the throne of God, dont ever say that he didnt warn us..

    early 2020, I repented of this sin, and God healed my digestive disease, and recently, I confided in spiritual leaders as to whether Id be allowed to date now that ive created one-flesh bonds with multiple women now, and they made it seem like it wasnt a big deal as long as im repentant. This wasnt enough to convince me as i still didnt forgive myself for what I did. One day, I was in prayer, and I said "God i created deep spiritual bonds with these women, ruined my perception of women, and made it so everything is sexualized in my mind, and I feel like I dont deserve love anymore." Then like a wave, God spoke to me in such a way that his words resonated in every organ in my body, and His words filled my brain in such a tangible, powerful way that I will hold onto this memory forever. He said, "I LOVE YOU" 😭😭😭😭😭I cant argue with that… I love you too, God.

    He has since blessed me with a wonderful gf, and I can tell you that it is 100x more intense, interesting, and alluring to have a relationship where you delay sex. The mystery of her body makes things so much better, and I have no temptation to go back to that bc Ive tasted and seen of the filthiest of sins, and Ive been there and back. There is no way besides God's way! You dont know what's best for yourself, only He does, and there is no Saviour besides Him. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God.


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