Ch6 of Pneumatology: Knowing the Holy Spirit by John G Lake (audiobook) “The world is awakening to that marvelous truth, that …


  1. The message – a blessing. The reading – can do without the pseudo-accent. Trust your God-given voice and just read. At those time when you did, it was refreshing and non-distracting. Hope the feedback helps when making future audios. Hugs and blessings!

  2. Thank you for making this audio tapes of the general of God John G Lake. Faith comes by hearing and listening to audio messages of anointed preachers is very important. I also have the book of the compilation so now I can both hear and read his words. Keep going with the good work! It will and is benefitting many people.

  3. Wow! Try praying "Holy Spirit flow through me and make my life what it ought to be in the name of Jesus Christ Amen". Based on Titus 3:5  Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; 
    Titus 3:6  Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour;

  4. The LORD bless pastor John G Lake!!!
    The soul of man is thirsty, lonely, and restless for his CREATOR.
    The invitation of the HOLY SPIRIT in our hearts, and permitting HIM to control our lives, will definitely supply the PEACE that surpasses all understanding, in the MIGHTY name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, amen and amen!!!
    Ezekiel 36:25-27.

  5. Christ live in me don't be apart but rather be a part of my life, my all living.. Christ live in me and give a new creation in me for I got a new live so create me anew o Christ,,,,, add a little wealth.. So i need not to worry but worry is all about you.. For I am empty of weather so my attention is distract i that.. If I have wealth so i need not to worry of wealth if I have… Amen…. Christ live in me…

  6. Christ Jesus plz. Lift your mission we all are trying our best if we all are gone then the entire mission of yours is gone.. Do you want this then why you started your mission.. If you want to destroy it for some people who is not worthy to be in your mission… O ALL MIGHTY plz.. Protect your creation don't destroy the universe for evils… These Evils will not change and says this is what ALL MIGHTY is. . Do you like to destroy me for monagusti this mental lady a witch what good she is doing.. Is anything she and her people does that would be said ALL MIGHTY works is this your WORKS THAT ALLMIGHTY YOU DO…. AMEN


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