Chasing Yesterday is a story of a young lad haunted by his past, driven by regret and then finds his way into redemption, film …


  1. Chasing yesterday indeed?

    Kudos to all brain behind ???
    Well done, ministers?????

    I keep ruminating on this movie, but I pray God grant everyone the grace to forget the past and move on with the present in God and Faith. Amen??????

  2. This is Great!
    Indeed, this movie is really talking to me.
    Dear Lord, grant me the grace to embrace you, grace to forget and forgive my past and also forgive those who have offended me.
    I want to find true freedom and find true peace in my heart Lord?

  3. I don't understand can someone please explain so who are the parents of babatunde and did fola die or not and how comes it is claimed that patrick took care of janet and he maltreated her biko please explain am confused


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