So Aye's command of English is so fluent like this? His English was horrible in Kembe Isonu in the city. He is a good drama minister ?. Kudos ? ? ?? ? to him.
This is Great! Indeed, this movie is really talking to me. Dear Lord, grant me the grace to embrace you, grace to forget and forgive my past and also forgive those who have offended me. I want to find true freedom and find true peace in my heart Lord?
More grace I pray for the cast and crew. I celebrate you sir pastor panz for the unction on you to put this together, I pray more unction to function in Jesus name ??
I don't understand can someone please explain so who are the parents of babatunde and did fola die or not and how comes it is claimed that patrick took care of janet and he maltreated her biko please explain am confused
Happy Sunday
So Aye's command of English is so fluent like this? His English was horrible in Kembe Isonu in the city. He is a good drama minister ?. Kudos ? ? ?? ? to him.
Chasing yesterday indeed ?
Finally ???it is out ????
Chasing yesterday indeed?
Kudos to all brain behind ???
Well done, ministers?????
I keep ruminating on this movie, but I pray God grant everyone the grace to forget the past and move on with the present in God and Faith. Amen??????
Wow this is so much great more greater grace in Jesus Christ name ???
Who really is Joseph?
Watching from Ghana ??
Great movie
This is Great!
Indeed, this movie is really talking to me.
Dear Lord, grant me the grace to embrace you, grace to forget and forgive my past and also forgive those who have offended me.
I want to find true freedom and find true peace in my heart Lord?
More grace I pray for the cast and crew. I celebrate you sir pastor panz for the unction on you to put this together, I pray more unction to function in Jesus name ??
Wonderful and inspiring ????
I just love the twist. Great movie❤
Great movie sir may the oil of God over ur life not run dry much love from here sir
Great movie❤….Just a honest feedback…More needs to be done in the Sound Department
Men are wicked
Kudos to the crew,
But why was he hanged
Pastor Patrick did not die now??????
Hmmm more grace
Happy Sunday to everyone here
Watching from Malawi
Lesson learnt
Let go of the past pain and forgive ???
Am Happy to be Hear let's Us Gather Here ?????
Zambia ????
Great Movie ?
But didn't tell us y Patrick killed Fola
Great movie
All glory be to GOD Almighty
Nice movie ?
It's always good to let go of the past but why did Patrick kill fola this is where I am confused
This is indeed great and powerful
May the Lord grant us grace to let go of our past sincerely and embrace the peace we have in Christ
Hmm… Joshua u wicked fo this movie o……?
Toooooo much back ground noise. Quality bad
Thanks ????????
I don't understand can someone please explain so who are the parents of babatunde and did fola die or not and how comes it is claimed that patrick took care of janet and he maltreated her biko please explain am confused
This is great but how did the guy knew all this since the father and mother died before his birth?
Who told him the full details