1. Just Awesome to discover the amazing life and times, what God did thru Charles Wesley.. But also being aware of the many trials and sufferings these early saints had.. Anyhow, Charles was so prolific, and his music has reached every generation since.. The hymn and singing that starts at 10:25 (this video) is so well done👍
    You can really experience, I think, such a high level of praise and adoration for our Savior Jesus Christ.. while listening to this powerful and super talented mens choir singing a beautiful arrangement of one of Wesley’s finest! Thanks for this video, and God bless all who see and hear this!

  2. It was Charles that God used to open the 5th seal and shed the light of holiness on the world! Mr. Westly would never have given approval of a church being named for him….. He would have scoffed at such a notion! Just as Paul scorned at similar thinking.


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