Charles Finney's Historic Revival in Rochester, NY  1830

One of the greatest the revivals in the history of the United States took place in 1830 in Rochester, New York. It is estimated that …


  1. Thanks brother. I'm in Vallentuna Sweden (basically stockholm). Been feeling stirred to pray for revival but told my wife tonight i wish i had somebody to pray with. I decided to find something by finney to think on before bed and was blessed by the reading and especially a call to prayer. May God's kingdom advance. Bless you bro.

  2. Hello, I congratulate you for your documentary, I wonder if I can send this information in writing to translate because I do not drive your language and me a little difficult to understand everything, I'm doing a study on the life of Charles GF and the information you are providing is very important, thank you and God bless you greetings from Colombia.

  3. My grandson and I listened to this video with great interest. I had just been teaching him about this revival in our city. Thank you for such a great and historical presentation. We were blessed to hear Charles Finney's own report of what happened. This causes us to want to pray for this type of revival to happen again.

  4. God bless you Brother, this video did indeed bless me!

    I appreciate the prayer at the end and I do feel in my spirit something is about to unfold that is unprecedented in history since the early church, there is such a hunger for God and revival in everyone I talk to, nobody can deny it, and I am rarely around true believers as I live in Denmark, the self proclaimed Christians are those who pursecute and try to shut me down the most!

    I have made a move and I am going to just have a backpack and a few other things including a tent and see where the Lord wants me to go, I do believe revival will start very soon, it is as if time has stopped and everybody is sighing in their spirits!

    Please keep me in your prayers, and your prayer was anointed, you DO WANT revival! And so do I, whatever the cost. May the Lord bless and keep you!

    I am only 21 years old but have been walking with the Lord since I was a little kid, he took me out due to trauma and neglect and I have always stood up for what is right and followed my conscience because I simply didn't see myself in a position to do otherwise, and hopefully never will.


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