God Cannot Please Sinners.


  1. Why do you use ungodly Catholic pictures of an effeminate Christ? Jesus Christ looked NOTHING like that! He was THE MAN Christ Jesus, not some long haired hippy FREAK that you portray! Cast down these idols from the whorish church that are an abomination to the preaching of Brother Finney.

    A Preacher of Righteousness

  2. Just so you know….even though I press the like button the numbers are not moving for Conservative nor Christian videos….it's a shame the state of this Nation. It breaks my heart. Please pray for me to have a prayer love and Bible life like a Finney or a Brainerd. Question: is this his actual recorded sermon or someone reading it?

  3. Ask not what Christ can do for you but what you can do for Christ. We were created to be in a love relationship with God, not to spend our time, money and talents on entertainment. “Entertainment is the Devil’s substitute for joy. The more joy you have in the Lord the less entertainment you need.” by Leonard Ravenhill

  4. Yes l will agree mr nash and others were key to the power of Holy Spirit out pouring in these revivals….
    There were other important keys that were instrumental
    When Finney put the emphasis on the individual for his sin and which through the power of Holy Spirit brought deep conviction and deep repentance which was followed up with a Baptism of the Holy Spirit this brought a total transformation which lasted in many who received this..!
    Prayer is so important but also the real truth must be preached…

  5. What did Finney think about God be mercyfull to me a sinner that Jesus spoke of? Jesus said he went home justified..not the pharrase. . But we not supposed to stay sinners I get it.. but still not happy about God's neglect to answer our desires and wants..so why should I give a damn to please others since God as a role model doesn't give a damn to please us.. must be ok to not give a damn..


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