If Charles Finney was right about anything, it was this: Excitement cannot be maintained indefinitely. In this brief clip, W. Robert …


  1. The sad thing about excitement is that it is emotional based. When our emotions lead our theology or the practical application of doctrine, then it will literally go off course. If emotions are the conductor of our theological train, then that train will fall off the tracks. If our emotions follow the truth of God's Word and the leading of the Spirit, then it is an emotion based on our love for God and His truth. The truth of God's Word sanctifies us (John 17:17) and is the source of the gospel we preach (Romans 10:14-17). Emotion driven Christianity will quickly negate our belief that the Bible is God-breathed and sufficient (2 Timothy 3:16-17) and that is where you get wrong doctrine, pragmatism, and wrong application. That is always deadly for any church.

  2. Credit due to that ministry of that awakening in the America.., The fruit and strong ongoing fruit that came out of that. The strong conviction that people who gave them thoroughly to the Lord .
    Was seen in the majority of those who came to Christ was seen years later..The beauty of the Holy Spirit's conviction in you and me shows us our pride, our critical hearts, our unbelief…
    l ask what have you done for your Lord out of a willingness and conviction……?
    as it is written
    Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test? 2 Cor 13 v5

  3. Finney is the most misunderstood of all historical Christians. It is always sad to hear attacks by people who don't seem to have read his works.I have! and I have concluded he was a very sound wonderful Christian! What would they said of John the Baptist?


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