Changeover | AWARD WINNING | Faith Movie | Family | Drama

Changeover – A girl grieving the horrific loss of her parents moves in with her uncle and nephew, who try their best to make a new …


  1. One way to overcome your own pain is to look at others or help those who are less fortunate than you. Otherwise you can get caught up in the "self pity mode" which can result in depression. No matter what we go through there are those deep souls going through things MUCH WORSE!!! So thank God anyway and get mind off self and do something worthy to help others!!! Make your life count for something and not just for living for self!

  2. Tears, happiness, depression, and beginning of healing in 1 movie! I deal with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, my dad passed, and I was raped at a young age several times! But God!!! But God, but God!!! Uncle is very handsome! Thank you for sharing this movie!

  3. Thank you for an amazing movie. For some people music is the helping tool meaning playing an instrument and producing beautiful music, for others is dancing 💃, or some sport, or something else. The Lord works miraculous and unique with every person in the process of overcoming something very difficult or traumatic .

  4. Kudos too uncle Jack's of this world…and too Hailey for keeping on the journey…many need movies like this too not feel alone in a world of loss and pain we will get stronger as we carry on. Walk with Jesus and when u need too be carried he will carry you thru the many storms lifes journey has in store for us all…love light peace too ALL. Lv from WI 🇺🇸

  5. The scene where the girl needed feminine hygiene products. Men need to be taught that they should not feel embarrassed to help a lady out with this issue. Of corse we dont need to be told specifics of what goes on, but there is nothing wrong with helping a lady in this area. In fact, I was not ashamed one day to pay for all that stuff before me and a girl went to a concert as she told me that she needed to stop at the store first to pick up all that stuff. I paid for it all and told her, "You know, I am not ashamed or embarrassed to do this for you." Her response what "OMG! I'm beginning to see who you are!" – Years later, God reminded her of that day when she went to him and told him that she wanted to be loved by a man that was not like all the other boyfriends she had and asked God, "Where is he?" God reminded this girl about that day and asked her three times, "Have you considered 'Saxman'?" Twice she replied, "Uh No! Next!" She asked a third time weeks later, and God asked her again, "Have you considered 'Saxman'? Was he not everything that you have been asking me for?" She replied to God, "Yes he was. What do you want me to do?" – Very bluntly, God told her, "I WANT YOU TO MARRY HIM!" – We had not seen each other in YEARS, and never even dated! I knew eight months after we met that she was "the one" because of a dream I had and waited patiently for her to wake up as I went to school to earn a degree so that I could find gainful employment to take care of her, instead of having to continue in my FORTIES saying "Do you want fries with that?" – (As working those types of jobs will not enable anyone to take care of a lady) Helping a lady out in "that" area is not improper even though pastors say it is. Look at how God used that to show a lady who he wanted her to marry and to show her that this action already demonstrated that a man is not abusive when she spend a lifetime looking for love in all the wrong places.

  6. This movie I see it often every now then because it reminds me how hard we try to help others and make them feel better and hostile they can sometimes act but if we are patient at the end we can make a difference.

  7. Excellent movie. Well done and all the actors played good parts. Thank you for the dedication to metal health and caring people that saved her from going in another direction. 🙏💜😇

  8. I enjoy the movie. I don't agree with the shrink. People don't need shrinks, shrinks need people. Shrinks want to prescribe medication upon medication. Shrinks will not lead people to God/Christ, they do the opposite – lead them away from God/Christ. The only medication required is love and that is from God/Christ.

    God/Christ is the only one who can help – we do however, assist by reading, speaking and preaching the Gospel of Christ. It starts like this- In the beginning.

  9. what a good little boy Carter, such loving understanding school friend Taylor, Sooze for letting that niece be aware how thankful that she had an uncle that truly cared for her; they all had their own difficulties to struggle on. though this story was boring and too slow for my liking, had to skip ahead often or I would not finish it, it may be lovely for some others? i considered it, as it was a religious show, tried to choose more of these faith movies. overall it was still a nice film, it hoped to relate the pains of life we soon or later may may not face whether we desire to or not; sadness, loss death, ..

  10. GOD knows we have troubles, hardship and suffering along journey.
    He never promise to get us out of that trouble but His promise is that He is in the midst of us to carry us through. He knows our heart and He is trusting us to get it through well through His Son Jesus Christ who is our strength and life.

    It would be really hard when Jesus is not there.

    When God is with us who can be against us.

    The very thing we need to have is God. Nothing more.
    When we have God faith will just grow in the heart and action will follow with it.
    Intentionally seek His face. The Bible is around to help us know God better.

    God is awesome and He protects all the way.

    I been through a lot of those. God never abandon.
    Remain in Him forever
    God bless you all.

  11. Thanks for posting.
    A very nice story. It helps to know what are some ways and what can do while in the process of healing and restoration.
    Thumbs up!!!
    God is good.
    Greetings from Philippines.

  12. A wonderful movie about working through Tragedy and getting through to the other side of healing. A wonderful movie and a great storyline with an all-star cast of characters. I give it 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐.


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