Case study example for use in teaching, aiming to demonstrate some of the triggers, thoughts, feelings and responses linked with …


  1. I always feel anxious before i go to work. And when i'm actually at work and meet people my mind went blank and focusing to unimportant things like their reaction or how i look to the others. I went home and I start blaming myself for unable to control myself in a social situation. The problem is whenever i go to therapist, I always try to assure her I'm getting better when its actually not true.

  2. Many thanks, I been tryin to find out about "how to stop social anxiety disorder" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Ever heard of – Qanwen Donuke Approach – (search on google ) ? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my mate got excellent success with it.

  3. Winner of a video, I have been researching "how to get past social anxiety disorder" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about – Qanwen Donuke Approach – (search on google ) ? Ive heard some awesome things about it and my buddy got great results with it.

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  5. I did look like an imposter syndrome, is this an effect of anxiety or is it fueling it? Or maybe both?
    Could we relate this with a result of lack of a "secure binding" at childhood making her lacking some development of social skills, or maybe the though of not being appreciated when out speaking?
    Sorry my English, I'm from Portugal =D

  6. My dad just tells me that the tendencies I get and how my social anxiety affects me makes people look at me more. And idk how to tell him I cant help it. Cuz then I just get in trouble for arguing. Since he thinks it can just be a quick fix. Also he just tells me to stop when I start to cry or start shaking/fidgeting, and he says stop in a angry way.

    I'm sorry if this dosent make sense. Im 12 and I have much more I would like to say but I dont wanna waste ur time

  7. My brothers and sisters who has social anxiety pls dont waste time and money to doctors who cant heal u.If they cant heal reason(narcis,sociapaths,psyhopats) then how they can heal result(shizoprenics,men who has social anxiety.Ask doctor what do they heal reason or result?Goodness or Evil?Ownselves or ills?Just accept pain then u will find calm.Dont run away from pain coz pain is the truth.Only with pain u can return to God.Dont let sociapathic,narcissistic,psycopathic psychiatrs to take empathy,pain from u.Evil first hurts u then tries to heal u to think that evil is rescuer.Evil is everywhere in science,in art…..Evil has its own working mechanism.Ask yourselves why sociapthic,narcissistic,psychopatic leaders,ministers rule countries,this world.Why 90 percent of psychologs and psychiatrs are narcissistic,sociapthic,psychopatic.God bless u.

  8. I need to see a therapist but I’m so anxious about someone analyzing me. Professionals in my life can tell I have anxiety just by my mannerisms and it’s so embarrassing.

  9. tbh, i kinda still dont know whether I like or dislike this video. Bc, hannah was really emotional, honest and clear. She showed affects. Yet, the therapist made her kinda repeat things later on, and (imo: it was simply too often straightforward asking), somewhat unnecessary. I missed active and reflective listening. I'd try to get a connection with hannah in the first place, by e.g. trying to really let emotions sink in first – for both of us. I mean you could see her tremble. So, watching a psychologist staring at her at these moments, and asking more and more details (only)… – this made me feel kinda awkward. U know? Nevertheless, I am curious to hear more about the continuation of that specific event; bc the cbt techniques were at least very accurate 😉 seeya.

  10. I have this anxiety since I was in kindergarten, only gets worse because of the bullying and judgement from neighbors and families. My family forced me to work as hotel receptionist for months, didn't change anything. Not to mention it was 100$US monthly wage for 24/7 job.

  11. According to the fact that this was her first session she did a pretty good job. She seems a little awkward and pretty nervous but at the same time this makes her very likable, because we all have our human flaws and insecurities. All those assumptions how we are being perceived by other people are mostly not true but they exist in our mind and we believe in them, which is by far the worst thing, because this holds us back from becoming and expressing our true self.

  12. Yes, SA is strange. In that you can be in 2 places at one time when in an exposure situation. Not only are you in your own body feeling the physical sensations and racing thoughts , but also it's as if you are able to stand outside yourself and see what other people can see when they watch you. It would have been a better experiment here if the therapist had brought a total stranger into the room to play the role of the customer. The therapist is known to the ( pretend) client and has developed a bond with her, which would have the effect of relaxing the client. A stranger would lead to a more realistic encounter.

  13. my self and my lovely husband was able to eliminate our deadly virus hiv with the help of DR AJAKAJA on YouTube. may God continue to protect you sir. you can get in touch with him on his YouTube channel

  14. I used to have social anxiety. I watched until 1:32 and thought: That's way more than I could ever talk. I'd literally be giving one word/weird answers and shaking. Years on…I have better confidence than many.


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