Career advice for teenagers: Value your values | Amy MacLeod | TEDxKanata

As teenagers prepare to enter a new work world with jobs that don’t exist and can’t yet be imagined, what kind of career advice do …


  1. Wow. Impressive lives and impressive delivery and message. Thank you Amy MacLeod from a Spanish family, we both work in the City of London. Our career advisor at school is also Canadian, a former lawyer. Wholeheartedly agree: we are having meaningful moments with our kids at the dinner table. And we will talk about this.
    Best career advice: Value your values
    “The relevance of values depends on when we last thought about them”
    Prof Greg Maio, Univ Bath
    The best career advice is tought at home at the dinner table:
    – Work hard
    – Be fair
    – Share
    – Listen
    – Tell the truth
    – Be kind
    – Contribute
    – Join in
    – Hate no one
    You will change despair into hope
    And change hopefully into progress
    Amy MacLeod

  2. This is just superb, I have been researching "spiritual paths and their meditation techniques" for a while now, and I think this has helped. You ever tried – Banulian Lonameron Breakthrough – (search on google ) ? Ive heard some decent things about it and my brother in law got cool success with it.


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