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  1. This is all old stuff taught by the Latter Rain movement and the Manifest Sons of God movement of the 1950’s. Look up the Feast of Tabernacles by George Warnock. All of these people taught the same thing – physical immortality, immunity from death, much better than Kobus, and all of them died physically. He is going off track with this teaching for sure.

  2. The Bible/Torah/Koran was not handed to mankind by a god,…

    nor was it dictated to human stenographers by any gods;

    all written by men!

    The Olden Testes Bible/Torah were just fables from the stone ages by oral tradition…

    the Bible, a books of fables, was VOTED on by a group of men after the 4th century;

    the Koran was just the copied and demented dogma of a selfish and petty despot….

    There are no gods…

    [btw – any objections to these historical facts must be accompanied with evidence

    to prove the existence

    of any god claimed]

  3. This message of immortality of man was downloaded to me about 10years ago now.
    The Lord said there are 4 "sweetnesses" of the Cross that the church has not yet taken hold of….
    One of them was freedom from physical death!
    I had never heard of such a thing before.
    This was just a glorious upgrade to what I already believed.
    It is really just including our bodies in the salvation we have already accepted.
    Since then I have received sooo much more on the subject.
    We cant deny there is a progressive revelation happening if you study church history.
    This man is just one of us who allows God to speak truths with us directly and believes them.
    Just like the speaking in tongues came to the forefront at a certain time by one woman…..this truth will also become visible by one in the future.
    And btw this is just ONE aspect of the authority God will take us into…authority over the ground of our bodies….there is soo much more!!!…lol…lol


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