Can Man Be Immortal? Immortality Series Part 5 | Prophet Kobus van Rensburg

A special thank you to everyone who continues to support us in various ways, and we hope that you will continue to do so in the …


  1. Blessed Lord Jesus my Brother, my God, my King, my saviour, my help, my shield, my covering, my lifter, my high priest, my redeemer and my closest friend. Thankyou for coming in sinfull flesh father God and showing me how to live free of the law of sin and death tasting death for us all that your glory in the end of the ages at the fullness of time may reveal the vision of your prophet at the appointed time to loose us from our appointment to die. open my eyes oh Lord by the power of your Spirit revive us restore us make us young again give me the grace to reveal the vision to all that your people in these end times may concur our enemy that is death. In Jesus mighty precious name


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