Can LGBTQ+ and Christians See Eye To Eye? | Middle Ground

LGBTQ+ and Christians come together to find middle ground. Can they push past their beliefs to understand one another?


  1. Christians: " Why should we respect LGBTQ people, people of non Christian religions, and non Religious People when they don't respect us"
    Also Christians: have stood in the way of the rights of LGBTQ people, people of non Christian religions, and non religious people for Centuries. Tortured them. Executed them. Invalidated them. Bullied them. Are constantly trying to take their rights and freedoms away. Constantly trying to Criminalize them. Constantly dehumanizing them.
    Yeah and you Christians wonder why you don't get respect and wonder why us Nonbelievers are so rude to you.

  2. It's amazing that they were all this calm. Still, its worth acknowledging that the LGBT in the discussion had more stake in the game and its impressive they remained civil. I think there is a fine line between civility and lying down and taking abuse and they manage to be calm gracefully.

  3. “Judge not, lest you also be judged.”
    We should be trying to show people the error of their ways and bring them to Christ, not ridiculing them and shunning them away.

  4. If they are not extreme and ignorant it's possible
    On either side
    Then we can have true equality
    You do you I do me
    And just let alone regardless of religion
    Sexual preference

    As long as we don't hurt one another because of our differences

  5. my school I go to is catholic but is super liberal as were the school is located in the capital of the country. I teaches ever thing you would see in a
    public school and is held to very high standards.
    I have so many friends who could be considered christians but are also LGBTQ+ and a pretty accepted.
    On my first day of school at that school I asked about what they though on LGBTQ+
    and most of my teachers were fine with it. Even my Religon teacher.
    My school makes a major effort to do things for Pride month, black history month, and
    what happened to the first nation (indians) and make it a major goal to make
    people feel included. Its a great school and school board.

  6. It doesn’t matter what Christians think. They need to mind their own business and stay out of other peoples lives. Nosy, mean spirited people. Go. Away. Your opinions on other peoples lives do not matter, nor should they.

  7. My extremely religious Catholic grandma says that being gay and it being a sin doesn’t really have to do with religion in a sense that the way we treat others matters more. As much as she doesn’t support gay marriage it’s not fair for us to judge other people‘s life choices. Following the 10 Commandments is probably more important.

  8. This is a calm conversation

    Vs how people automatically assume that all Christians hate LGBT bc of how it goes against their religion

    I don't agree with being LGBT but I respect them for who they are.

    Whoever thinks that being a Christian or any religion, means that u hate LGBT, should be KILLED for that opinion!

  9. It’s great being Muslim in such a Christian country. Americans are so wild to me, why push your religion onto policies (referencing when the guy mentioned prop 8)? Like what happened to separation of church and state


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