CAN I MAKE IT? is a gospel movie it emphasises your stand in God even amidst temptations. It is produced by Taiwo Ayoola and …


  1. This man on use witchcraft to get where he was from where he is now at that meeting careful leaders of churches be careful Bishops be careful you be careful church leaders and members introduce you in the secret cults and tell you and telling you that they are led by the Holy Spirit be careful God said that they are wolves in sheep's clothing holy spirit to give you the discernment be careful when you join organisations businesses lodges any such things even your home ask God for discernment for wisdom for clarity be careful because these are the last days God tell us to be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove please church don't sleep go into the word which is God himself apply it and he will show you the right way help you at the right time let no one deceive you put god first in everything I know it's easier said than done let me tell you it is a great reward to be obedient to God I plead you in name of Jesus our Lord Christ the anointed saviour of the entire world do not sacrifice your relationship Lord God and saviour Jesus the anointed Christ stand-up for righteousness holiness don't give up your relationship with your your lord and saviour see you love him with all your heart don't give up on him for anyone or anything things on earth will pass but the God we service eternal everlasting to everlasting he sacrifice his only son so that we would live eternally with him I beg of you don't give up on him he has not give up on you

  2. I pray that GOD in his mercy will give us the grace to learn from this man of GOD, you know during the time of Abraham GOO told him to sacrifice his only son which he obeyed with out double mind he didn't know that GOD has a plan for him, we should know that when the righteous dies there is hope for them in heaven, the man could have allowed his wife to die despite the challenges around him who knows the mind of GOD may be the wife couldn't have die, GOD will help us.(Amen).

  3. I thank God watching these spiritual movies has reminded me of many things I been under a great spiritual attack for some time now I feel like Job in the Bible Satan has took everything from me but I won't turn my face from God 🙏 got a RV and a bad wind storm blew off my roof leaving me in the cold 🥶 but still I won't turn away from the lord last month someone volunteered to help me but Satan had other plans they sabotage everything one thing I know when you make a promise to God
    Satan will try to have you break that promise to God he will take everything from you leave you homeless
    Cold and without nothing
    No one will reach out to help you but yet laugh and talk about you
    My promise to God that I will never murder myself again yes I murder myself die and seen Hell
    And today Satan still trying to get me to break that promise to God he took everything that I own
    Then try to bring suicide thoughts into my mind but
    I will stand though it all
    God is faithful to his word
    I feel like Job when Satan took all his richest left job with nothing
    But I will stand on God word 🙏 because my riches are in the righteous Kingdome of God Glory
    Temptation came by the dozen but still I new it wasn't from God so keep standing on God word no matter what you are passing through victory is yours in the righteous Kingdome of God Glory
    This world is not my home
    I'm just passing through
    Just like when Moses leaded God's children out of the hands of Egypt raise the Red Sea so his children can cross over stay on the righteous path the narrow road to the righteous Kingdome of God 🙏
    Stay pray up daily
    Christ Jesus is coming back soon love y'all ❤️

  4. Wow… This is not just a Thought-writeup, it's a divine revelation to be ministered to the household of God; unto the end of time…
    God help us all in this phase of life journey (Christianity)…
    I feel bless always…

  5. May the Lord strengthen us till the end,I really love this movie especially the two evangelists bro Emeka and bro tunde indeed they did a great support and courage to the pastor.this movie is blessed


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