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  1. Everyone has privilege, the fact that all of these people are able to talk in the same room, is privilege.
    Every feminist wants equal privilege yet want to damage men mental health in the process. Feminist aren’t sticking to their ideology of equality.

  2. Men are expected to have empathy for women but women are not expected to have empathy for men. They are even discouraged + they have stronger in-group bias. Until feminism admits the empathy-gap men will not benefit from feminism.

  3. I find the whole ‘it’s hard to be a woman in academia’ point interesting as don’t you make up like 70% of college graduates. Schools are designed to help you and to punish boys because they have undiagnosed mental conditions.

  4. If more women wanted to be in leadership, and if more women wanted women leadership, that would be the case. There are women voting against women simply because they're women, not because they aren't qualified enough.

  5. to the mexican girl idk bout ur family but in 99% of mexican family the boys always go to work a a young age me i started at 6 and yeah i could do the table but at that age and working in construction u should put the food i front of him bc if it wasn’t for him u probably wouldn’t of ate ur next meal bc you are eating off his work time and money💯💯💯

  6. I’m a feminist and I have been for many years. However, I do think men deserve rights as well – I get that they already have loads of rights that women don’t have but I think that for example when men are sexually assaulted, nobody takes it as seriously as when women are. Everybody should be treated equally, no matter what their gender is

  7. I would like to know what this woman meant IN CONTEXT when she said ‘you need to acknowledge your privilege first’ as it seemed she was pointing to her lady parts. I would like to know the context in which that was spoken to.

  8. At 7:14 when she says she's more qualified is kinda confusing, but I think she might be talking about junior attorneys because she is also a junior attorney. Then if that's the case wouldn't it because of the number of cases they each took and successfully finished? Or is the law on an hourly wage aswell? Just asking for a friend to explain it for me.


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