CAGED is a story of a young girl whose name is Libby, She is an opinionated and feisty young girl from a single-parent home who …


  1. This was a nice and timely movie. While watching I could see many of your mannerisms and even your smile being manifested by Libby. Then her name in the cast listing confirmed that she may be your daughter. She's not only a beauty, but she acted superbly. Keep up the good work Bola Akande. To God be the glory.

  2. This movie is a MUST WATCH!!!!! Such a Powerful film. Hmmm so many girls fall into this predicament. Jesus, I felt like screaming. Mama warned her but she didn’t listen. There is power in prayer. God hears us. I was rejoicing when Mama started praying. I was praying along. Who is like the Lord? The ending 🙌🏿😊. Amazing Grace oo. Actors did an awesome job. God bless you all 🙏🏿.

  3. This is a very great movie which ALL youth MUST watch. Parents must also watch to know how to cover their children with prayer everyday. Script is perfect, actors wonderful and crew members did excellent work. More grace, more anointing for great exploit in the Kingdom of God in the mighty name of Jesus.

  4. Libby should have called the police the moment Tom locked her inside the house the first time. she could also have taken just one key and left the rest and he wouldn’t have noticed.


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