I share many signs in this video pointing to the soon return of Jesus Christ for His Church. Get ready Church!!! LINK to AA Allen’s …


  1. I just thought it was worth mentioning since in your dream you said Hollywood was somehow relates to evil and Christian persecution. Your right, in Taylor Swift new video she has Christians protesting the pro life an gay movement and it doesn't put us in a good light. Hollywood is poisoning our youth and calling good evil and evil good just as God said

  2. I have family in Calif! I have tried to get them to move, but they just won't! They think nothing of the earthquakes. My son was about 8years old when the Northridge earthquake hit. That was about an 8.0 quake, so he thinks now that it can't get any worse.

  3. Byron Searle was told by Our Lord that there will be given a warning earthquake mag. 9.1 in Washington and Oregon and if not heeded a day later there would be a mag. 12.2 in California. THis earthquake swarm that is happening now is a warning for the state of california to repent and LEAVE. Byron Searle has a blog, take a look at it.

  4. MARK CHAPTER 13 Byron Searle spoke of some of these things also in his last Blog. Gods Prophets and watchmen and women are all saying the same thing. The July 17th Rapture is a false day that has many people really believing that they are truly going to be Raptured on that day. Please know that the word of God says that NO MAN KNOWS THE HOUR OR THE DAY NOT THE ANGELS IN HEAVEN OR THE SON ONLY THE FATHER IN HEAVEN. 🙏❤️😊

  5. Anybody heard that a big chunk of California is breaking off and falling into the ocean. The last few days they have had over 10,000 earthquakes with 2 big ones. Cracks are developing around the China lake area. It's being hidden to the public and the media isnt even warning the people. Millions are about to die. Can go see it yourself on the dutchsinse YouTube channel. Very detail research going on because of that YouTube is trying to remove his channel because he is embarrassing the experts by predicting earthquakes and volcano eruptions. The guy is like 98% accurate, lol, it's really funny that all these doofusses with degrees are like infants in the knowledge they claim to know. Dutchsinse is ticking off the paid liars, he is getting death threats daily for his accuracy. Few countries are blaming him for the earthquakes can you believe that! The idea that one mortal man is creating 7 and 8 magnitude earthquakes is hilarious.

  6. Everyone who goes above the word of God is handed over to their own words. The ones who will recognize what is happen, turn, and be healed will continue their walk of purification.

    The ones who will not at all allow what God says to have authority over their own words, will be handed so far over to themselves that truly until the slaughter is complete, they will never see anything but their own word.

  7. No man knows the day nor the hour of Christ' saving GOD the FATHER aka ABBA…., but you will recognize the season of Christ' near return to gather His elect from the four corners of the earth.
    Matthew Chapter 24
    John 3:16
    John 14:6
    2nd. Thessalonians Chapter 4
    Book of Revelation ( read all )

  8. I had a vision yesterday (or daydream) of a bear tearing through my living room screen and chasing me through my apartment, tearing it apart, as I tried to run away. I live in Orange County/southern CA. We don't have bears down here, and I don't know why I saw or imagined that. I am still waiting for the BIG one.

  9. Alaska is on fire. I live here and we have fires going on in the middle of my State.

    The Hess Creek Fire has been burning since June 21 in central Alaska. (CNN) 145,321 acres: That's the size of the largest wildfire burning this year, according to a map from AlaskaWildland Fire Information, the state's interagency effort to track fires.

    Shovel creek fire and Fairbanks too.

  10. Wow, great video! I had already heard the AA Allen Video by Paul Begley, great confirmaton. I love your videos Melissa. You always have a smile on your face no matter what you are talking about, that is truly the joy of the Lord. Your videos give me such peace. Thank you and keep them coming!

  11. Thank you for your video sister! God bless you!! I had the same dream where after the Rapture Christians were in these concentration camps and they were in line for the guillotine.

    Also I had a dream of a huge earthquake in California and this was right before the Rapture and I was helping people out of wreckages and preaching to people to come to Jesus now! Before the rapture. People around me were mocking me when I was preaching about Jesus.

  12. Melissa, you are an encouragement and a blessing to me personally. Thank you. I hope to meet you in heaven and thank you personally some day….<3 please pray for me.

  13. Watching a Dutchsinse video yesterday the seismic pressure has transferred down the Garlock Fault from the Ridgecrest area to the San Andrea's Fault. Could be a significant development

  14. I watched the other day re: demonetization of your videos. This is EXACTLY what the Mark of the beast is! Happening on Twitter, etc. It's not a physical mark, as people are expecting. This is the not being able to "buy or sell." Not that you monetize your videos, but this is it!

  15. In 2003, God showed me the dates that matched the 7 trumpets in Rev. ch.’s 8-11. The dates he tried to stress to me are as follows: ch. 8:5-July 26, Ch. 8:7-first trumpet July 28, 2nd trumpet Aug. 20, third-Aug. 22, fourth-Aug. 11, fifth-Aug. 25, sixth-Oct. 26, and seventh-Dec. 2-22. In 2003 the stories were in Iraq mostly. Look for these dates when these stories come to the western world. Stories of Daniel 8-12

  16. July 4th Sis started July 4 you probably know by now. Its great you are sharing all the best of the best visions by the most reputable and HUMBLE especially for NOW. Dave Wilkerson, Henry Gruver, AA, Dimitri Dudeman, Joe Brandt half a dozen others, More recently Ken Peters, Maurice Sklar, all solid and fascinating and line up with the word of Yah! Those others on whom He is pouring out His warnings are all over now, thousands to me the MOST PROFOUND being from the children = babies and as the most credible who are themost HUMBLE who at first resist not looking for attention. Eight years ago there were about 50 online if that. Thank yu so much sister for being so on point. Also that one from the young 15 year old secular Israeli boy Natin it is still very much credible. Yah bless them all for encouragement and you and yours Sister.

  17. My family is so lost. Praise God The Spirit is with me, because He is revealing aspects of the craft being used against me from my own household. Im to protect my son's best I can now-19,16-as I was forced to support us for many years. My OWN family. Church, we have been literally set right beside the 'weeds' pray for them but rebuke their ways. I'm at a loss if to remain or go to a shelter. No one believes these things regardless. Pls pray for us if you see this as my entire family turned when I converted. Protection, deliverance, and breaking strongholds please. Always in Jesus name, amen.


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