Set in the near future, a young rebel named Adam is hauled into a government interrogation center. After being told he must …


  1. Wow, i loved it…i was skolling and what some ppl. Would call an accident. God wanted me to watch cus ive been having a spiritual warfare…God wins every time…love conquers all evil doing of satan….we can all be very, very great for havkng a god like God that created love…if the shoe was on the other foot, what then??? Thnk You Lord God for being You…🙏 🙏 🙏…

  2. Good movie except the eternal torture by God who is love. Revelation 20:14 says even hell itself shall be cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. Says the exact opposite of eternal torment.

  3. Hell is translated from the word Hades or Sheol which simply means grave or pit. Or the word Gehenna which was literally a burning rubbish tip where they burned those with diseases. There is no eternal soul that goes to heaven or hell when we die. God alone has immortality 1 Timothy 6:16 The Bible refers to death as asleep, awaiting resurrection. Jesus Himself taught this (see John chapter 11) The Bible teaches that those who sleep in Christ will be resurrected when Jesus returns in power and glory 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. For our God is a consuming fire Hebrews 12:29 and sin and death will be destroyed when Jesus returns 1 Corinthians 15:26. Those who chose to hold onto sin will PERISH. Destroyed by the brightness of His coming 2 Thessalonians 2:8 (not burn forever)
    The wicked will be resurrected after the thousand years (some refer to as Millennium) and gather to the battle of Armageddon but will face eternal damnation and die the 2nd death, see Revelation chapter 20.

  4. This was a really good film .. The only thing I didn’t like was it showed false pagan beliefs.. The Immortal Soul Doctrine and The Eternal Torment Doctrine come directly from paganism .. They are not biblical.. God is very specific as to what happens when you die .. From Dust you were formed to Dust you shall return.. It isn’t until Jesus Returns does anyone go to heaven .. You remain in your grave sleeping until this event takes place .. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 .. Let me ask anyone who believes this false doctrine this , In 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 who is Jesus calling out the graves when he returns if everyone is either in heaven or hell????🤔🤔🤔🤔 Seriously!!! According to the FALSE IMMORTAL SOUL DOCTRINE N ETERNAL TORMENT DOCTRINE, no one is there !! Is Jesus doing it for kicks n giggles ?? People need to start using the brain God gave you to think rationally.. Believing a false lie , or false hope doesn’t do you a bit of good .. Face the facts , when you die you’re returning to dirt , dust !! And you will remain dust until Jesus Christ returns for his people .. Now if you are not in the first resurrection then you remain there for another 1,000 years until the second resurrection of the wicked .. Revelations 20:5 .. Those in the second resurrection will die the second death in the lake of fire .. There’s your Hell Fire .. Permanent destruction.. Not eternal!! Permanently destroyed out of existence!! To ashes !! Satan has deceived the majority of the entire world into believing this false doctrine.. Our God is Love !! Not some deranged psycho !! Any being that would torment someone eternally for sin is a psycho !! Satan is the psycho not God !! I would never ever serve any being whom would do this to anyone regardless of your sins !! I serve the God of Love n Forgiveness, the God of Justice .. Satan is the one who put this doctrine into the world not God !! People listen to the Bible , The Word of God !! Churches Lie .. God never lies !! Church doctrine changes from one denomination to another but Gods Word remains consistent.. Study it n build your faith on scripture not churches !! And not one scripture but all scripture applies to us .. Every word from Genesis to Revelations.. You can’t pick n choose , doesn’t work that way .. You will never understand the Bible if you are looking for a scripture to justify what you wanna hear.. You have to accept it for what God is telling you .. no matter if you like it or not ! Accept it ! Makes life so much easier when you do !! The Truth will set you free ! Gods Word is absolute Truth .. The only truth on this planet !! Follow it ! God Bless All of You 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  5. Wow i didn’t think there’d be a part two to the movie! :). I really enjoyed them both however im confused about the ending to part two. The dad was killed but the son was the one on the motorcycle in the end who peeled out. So does that mean that the son took the Mark of the beast? because he had a sack put over his head and was beat up by multiple men so how could he have escaped unless he took the mark and went on his merry way. Or did he escape? I did not understand the ending

  6. Every day you have to make a choice whom you will serve. Choose for JESUS CHRIST. The BIBLE says as for me and my house we will serve the LORD. Invite JESUS into your heart and let His Blood washes/cleanses you as whiter than snow from all of your sin and iniquitis. In CHRIST JESUS you have eternal life. HE IS THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE! NOBODY COMES TO THE FATHER THAN THROUGH JESUS CHRIST HIS SON! THERE IS POWER IN YHE BLOOD OF THE LAMB! THE BLOOF OF JESUS! JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!🙏

  7. This was an awesome movie about the reason why people need to have a born again relationship with God and Jesus Christ 🙏✝️🛐👆
    I plan to use this as a tool to share the POWER of God's Love and Grace and Mercy personified in Christ alone! Excellent job too whoever produced this movie!!!!! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Five Star rating from me!

  8. I had my inocence stolen by satan at 10 in a lucid dream.
    I was scared because of horror film's.
    I remember I couldn't sleep because I thought Freddy was going to get me or that leprechaun.

    Remember cracking my door grandpa always sat at table

    But satan terrorized me.
    With my families faces crushing my spirit penitrating my soul.

    I started get tempted demonically after.
    I just felt this shift pulling me in the wrong direction.
    I was born spiritually blind so I tried to rationalize about it

    I was struggling in 6th grade.
    My 3rd grade teacher wanted to talk to me.
    I guess she heard I was having problems Mrs Hatch.

    Never made it to her class room.

    Because of that shift pulling me in the wrong direction

    If my testimony tells you the eyes are the windows to the soul.
    The spirit of fear got to me first,

    satan actually roams seeking to devour.

    You might control what you're child watches.
    Instead of watching it with them shrugging it off as just a movie.

    If it highlights the difference between demonic temptation and the flesh.
    satan and demons pull you.

    At age 25 I was on the floor riddled with sin, in porn.
    On drugs
    With hardly any living will.
    I was tempted in another lucid dream.
    To blasphemy the holy spirit.
    Everything was pulling me to except satan.

    I said oh hell no heavenly father wake me up.
    He did. He said he almost had us convinced.

    Jesus Christ appeared said I know what I need to you are saved
    Fear of the lord gripped me.
    What the hell am I doing hear got to get to Jesus I thought
    Maybe you will see what the unforgivable sin is knowing that god can forgive you for saying blasphemous things.
    Although if you say them they set you up for a horror you don't want any part of.
    Maybe you will go to him for forgiveness and forgive yourself.
    Before you end up a pitiful mess on the floor.

    If I asend into heaven thou are there.
    If I make my bed in sheol behold thou are there.

  9. Time Changer is a good movie. It shows how we are in the state we are in today, by not giving authority to Jesus for our morals. It takes one from 1890 to 1990-and shows the result of letting ppl just give their opinions. Very good movie. 😁

  10. I call BS….Barbara Streisand……….Unscriptural nonsense. Lies of a Christianity that believes in a God that lost control of His creation, which of course makes God fallible and weak. If human beings, born poor, miserable ,blind and naked have the ability to make there own choice weather to choose salvation or not, ( John 6:44) then God is not sovereign and not in control. Christianity today believes that human beings have "free will".( "man makes his plans, but the Lord directs his steps" Pro 16:9) Then they also do not believe in the law of cause and effect. If human beings are sovereign beings then God is not sovereign. It would also mean that human beings take the place of God as ruler over there lives, making themselves a god. Sort of like 2 Thessalonians 2:4, the man of sin, as all have sinned (Romans 3:23 ). No ye not ye are the temple of God? ( 1 Cor 3:16 )


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