ayobamiadegboyega #husbandandwifeseries #resoluteheart #gospelfilmstv #husbandandwife #mountzion …


  1. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ this is indeed mind blowing. All characters performed their roles excellently wellπŸ‘Œ. Story line is awesome. Scenes were natural and real. More grace to the whole team. God is indeed a patient and merciful GOD. Bro JOHN, nice delivery of your role πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘.

  2. I pray that God helps us. Repent of ur sins and turn from ur wrong way John 3:6
    For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes shall not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus went through a shameful death for you and I. What do we do to repay him? Continue in our sinful nature or kindly repent of your sins. God’s love is beyond human love or any other love. His love for us will never end, it is big, wide, deep. Angels can’t stop that love neither can demons or anything in this world and why? Because of what Jesus did on that cross, he didn’t just come and die but lived a sinless life and also died a shameful death. So what are you still doing living in a sinful way? Stop and accept him. It’s the best I promise, his love never fails and will never leave u, it doesn’t require you to be fake, he wants us to come as we are then he will do the changing. He doesn’t say do it on your own. NO! He says come as you are I will do the rest. So go as you are dearly beloved and accept him.

  3. The LORD God of possibility and divine assurance – waiting time in the LORD is not a wasting time! Glory to the LORD God that does not give up on us! I want to encourage us all that, whatever anyone might be going through, don’t give up – God has the perfect timing.

    Although, it might seem as if it’s not going to happen, wait for it and slumber not, it will surely come at the LORD’s appointed time; He opens and no one can shut. Habakkuk 2:3 & 4 says, β€œFor the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. …the just shall live by faith.” So, let the LORD be your light, your salvation and the strength of your life; have confident in Him and let there be one thing you desired of the LORD and that you should seek, that you may dwell in His house all the days of your life to behold the beauty of the LORD and inquire in His temple. So, don't delay your salvation, tomorrow might be too late. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and every other thing shall be added unto you.

    As Solomon requested of the LORD for wisdom, knowledge and understanding to lead the people of the LORD and the LORD does not only give him what he requested, but even more, because the LORD sees in Solomon a heart that mind the things of the LORD.

    I pray that as the LORD God Almighty Jehovah the creator of heaven and earth lives and your soul lives in Him, you will fulfil destiny to salvation in Christ Jesus. AMEN

  4. The lady started walking because it's her mission to win his brother in the lord . And since it has come to pass, God decided to also do the desires of His daughter by making her walk again.

  5. Sigh!!! From my perspective John is the last person who needs prayers here. The people in John's life are like Eli the priest who failed to discipline his sons, and was later cursed together with his lineage… And like David's unrighteous love for his wicked son Absalom… I'm not even a parent yet, but I can't accept that John's parents loved him. With parents like the apostle and his wife, it's no wonder why John was the way that he was… Was it the dream and prophesies that God showed about their son before his birth that made them worship him? How can a boy be so disrespectful obstinate and wicked and still be cussioned like a precious egg; he punches the tyres of the usher and the security 'BOWS' and asks John to not fulfill his threat 'to deflate the him' for doing his job… He rapes a woman in the church premises and no justice is administered to judge him – wicked!… As for sending him to evangelize – using the work of God to avoid chastising their son in the name of 'maybe he might change' – are these ppl serious!… If this is how every manice is treated in this church in the name of love then that church is as good as a circus.

    What did Jesus mean when He said do not throw your pearls to pigs, do not give what is holy to the dogs…?

    The gospel is precious to the Lord and should be so to the believer. Using desperate attempts for someone to receive a something as valuable as the Lord Jesus Christ cheapens Him…we shake off the dust…and continue to intercede.

  6. praise God…iam a fan of watching your movies…. keep the fire burning and if possible continue in making movies on how Christians life should be…. I am following from Kenya… may God bless this industry…. the movie is amazing….

  7. While this is a very touching story of redemption through Christ, I find it appalling that they swept the rape under the carpet. Why wasn’t the pastors son arrested? Why was he not made to face the consequences? But was instead shipped to Dubai. This is the reason why so many atrocities are committed in the church today all in the name of Pastor. Please do better with your stories.


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