This song “Bring Me Down” is simply saying…Lord if I’m too proud or boastful of myself (High) make me Humble.(Humble means …


  1. I just love, love, love, The Grace Thrillers. How I feel the Holy Spirit through their music!!! Praise our heavenly Father who gave his dearly beloved son to die on the cross for our sins so that we may not perish but have everlasting life!!!!

  2. Glory be to God! this song is one for the heart. "if I'm too high, Lord, bring me down." Lord have mercy on all of us ; because sometimes we allow the flesh to get the better of us; But I pray that you help us to be who you created us to be. Help us to live and walk in the spirit. Help us to be humble! help us to be kind, help us to treat others the way we want to be treated. Help us to live by the fruit of the spirit so that we sow and bare good fruits! Make us more like you and less of ourselves. Create a new heart and renew a right spirit within us, these and other mercies I ask in JESUS NAME, Amen! <3


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