1. Was his a 'correct' recording? here seemed to be so many hesitancies. I'm thinking: "If his was the 'producer style,' it needs to be Majorly Reconsidered." This movie, if it were done more satisfactorily, CAN EASILY BECOME a ministry tool for Believers, and, if here wase enough material added, it could be for UnBelievers, as well.

  2. I was a middle school student when the event happened. I never knew about any of this back then. And of course, I don’t know where I was when the ‘ice scene’ started. Since this was in Missouri, I’ve been in North Carolina my whole life. EST for me, I believe the whole state of Missouri is CST.

  3. One thing I don't like about what you did Christ octobri is that you put piano music on some of the important stuff. How the mom had so much faith to not give up on her son proves how much she thinks God can save him. God has a plan for everything. People started to think she was crazy but she just loved her son so much and KNEW God would bring him back. If your special ones leave you just know God took them for a special purpose and that They were ready, they are probably happier up in heaven then they were down on earth. They're are mansions and streets of gold. God CAN DO THE IMPOSSIBLE .Amen

  4. At 21:35 to 21:50 is a sharper version of what even Jesus said, at Matthew 9:23-25 "And when Jesus came into the ruler's house, and saw the minstrels and the people making a noise, He said unto them, Give place (leave): for the maid is not dead, but sleeps And they laughed him to scorn (doubters, laughing at Jesus). But when the people were put forth, he went in, and took her by the hand, and the maid arose."
    Right, there must be an atmosphere of faith, not allowing any doubt. As Jesus also said; "For According to your faith be it unto you." Matthew 9:29.

  5. Everyone in this comment section there is a surprise for you all. Go check out hungry generation. This boy, the real boy is going to give testimony on that channel on may 22

  6. This movie reminds me of when I was in elementary school. I was in a traffic accident and was seriously injured. When people told me I couldn't survive, Lord saved me. And mymother accepted Christ. Praise the Lord who saved me until I was alive to this day

  7. I had brain surgery in 2011, almost didn’t make it. My mom, who isn’t much of a church goer, prayed every night and I got better each day. This movie made me bawl more than I have at any movie, especially when the mom went on the roof and prayed and surrendered, I could only imagine that is what my mom went through. This movie is amazing.

  8. Miracles can have I am prof of that I was born 3 months pre muncher the doctor said I wasn’t going to make it through the night but I did I am 24 now my mom calls me her miracle child praise god

  9. As I'm watching this movie .I'm down on my nees prayer for my husband for breakthrough .I have faith in my heavenly father that everything is going to be fine very soon in Jesus name I pray Amen


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