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  1. Jesus himself said no man knows the day or the hour NOT EVEN JESUS! So how exactly has Jesus scheduled the time of the end? How has he determined a day or hour? The answer is, he has not! In truth there is no day or hour! It does not exist! In some respect it does but not anything anyone can know not even Jesus! Why? Because it is only when the Father decides. It’s like this in a way you can understand. Say you have a spare room in your house full of boxes you need to unpack. And every day you say ah I can’t be bothered today I’ll do it another day. And you do this again and again until one day at a random hour you say right today is the day and you do it. This is how it is with the Father saying when the end is. Not by anyone being able to understand when it is. It happens only when the Father says the time is right and the time is only right when the Father feels the time is right! Not by schedule! Not by knowing! Not anything that is prophetic! Not by scripture! Not by word! And most certainly not by your guessing!

  2. Jesus died for our sin not our salvation! And we are not saved by grace for free! The good grace of God will only save us if our loyalty faithfulness and love is true to God and this is achieved by our works of obeying the ten commandments. You was not and you are not saved by grace by saying you are faithful! Faithfulness is something to be proved by works not because you say so!

    In a court room a judge only favours what you say if you have compelling evidence. We are in a courtroom right now so the great judge will only consider your safety and freedom if you prove you are loyal, faithful and loving to the great judge! You don’t have a lawyer unless you obey the Ten Commandments as the lawyer is the Holy Spirit and will only represent those who pay with obedience. We are all on parole by Jesus dying on the cross not free and no salvation, we must prove by our works our faith. So when Jesus comes which is not long and asks the three men what have you done with my money and the last one says I didn’t do anything I just held on to it then Jesus will say I do not know you. The same will be said to you many who deceive many to many as Jesus warned about. You are the ones he warned about and the ones who will go into destruction. So when Jesus comes and asks what have you done to be fruitful? How have you shown me your faithfulness? And you will say I believed you died on the cross and he will say but I didn’t ask what you believed happened, I asked what did you do to show me your faithfulness? You hypocrites you call yourself a follower but you followed no word of mine, I do not know you get away from me and into destruction in the outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth!

    If you want to avoid all this then obey the Ten Commandments now as Jesus told you to. Forget Paul’s letters because you don’t understand them! They are only encouragement for those who are already true to Jesus who obey the Ten Commandments. Forget them as they are mans word not God’s word. Live by every thing Jesus told you to and obey everything he says. Else you are not a follower but a child of the devil.

    Just before Jesus comes he will change those who have proved their faithfulness by their works of keeping the Ten Commandments and they will be heaven worthy not by the price he paid on the cross but by the price the few paid by keeping the commandments proving their faithfulness and love and loyalty to Jesus. Once everyone who has the Holy Spirit (which is not many at all 100-1000 alive and 10,000-99,999 dead) are changed at that very moment the price paid for your sin is gone! No more payment by Jesus. The gospel that Jesus died is done and finished. So you have no way of salvation relying on the cross and not Jesus. You worship wood in the shape of a cross and not Jesus Christ. If you worship Jesus and if you follow Jesus then you would obey the Ten Commandments as JESUS not PAUL told you to!

  3. Call on his name while you still can before it's to late for all has fallen and come short of his glory, those who seek him will find him, call his name he will answer you!

  4. Please read I've had two raptured dreams in the last month one of them is where two of every animal was walking through my house I turned to my sister and I asked her why is there two of every animal coming through our house I walked outside looked at the sky it was dark except for one bright opening I saw the Rapture was happening I was screaming Jesus is here the Rapture is here and then I woke up the second dream was I was getting raptured up including everybody else Angels were taking us up before I got to the clouds I fell back down while everybody else was still getting raptured everything was dark black everything had looked like it had been on fire it was not a good scene I couldn't understand why I got left behind Jesus is trying to warn his people that he is coming and if you don't get right you will be left behind please if you do not know Jesus ask him into your heart if you do please I beg of you to repent it is not going to be good for people that are left

  5. Please pray for me to get off this beer alcohol I'm struggling really bad with it but God I know can deliver me he delivered me from my anxiety and taking Xanax for 12 years so I know he can deliver me from this and I know prayer works in Jesus name I pray thank you amen

  6. I thank God and Jesus Christ for making a fighter alone in any situation however l advise everyone to help each other and encourage young generation mostly to be fighters am 16yrs called Peter Bbaale.

  7. it is never stated in the bible that the rapture is the true event of him coming. there is no passage, book, or chapter that states this. the rapture isn’t a true biblical prophecy.

  8. Repent: Turn away from sin and doing so. Turn to Jesus.
    Romans 10:9 If you declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
    You are now His Live like you know him.
    Read His word.

  9. This is the doctrine of demons! There will be NO ONE left behind, you will NOT get a second chance!!
    The Bible is clear, we WILL go through the Great Tribulation and then our Messiah will return!!!
    Read your Bible!!!

  10. Get your house in order – meaning your life with God. Has anyone noticed how many young people have been passing away lately? Regardless of whether the rapture happens or doesn’t happen during our lifetime, repent and look to having a closer relationship with our Father in heaven.

  11. I just had a vision from God. I believe it is about harmegiddo. There were 2 lots in the vision. I ran out of a bld because there was military aircraft outside. About 4 military planes flying by from my left and flying to my right on their left sides… There were also flying things that looked like missiles high up in the air To my right… I saw trees being hit by a blast of some type with a pocket of air in the front of the trees… I then saw thousands of bullets hitting the ground and making lots of dust fly up from the ground. I went over to a girl that was in some bushes and asked her if she knew what this was about. I think she might have been Chinese. She didn't know… The were also several flying machines like the Hindenburg.


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