Originally posted 2020-12-30 14:39:09. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


    • Bobby, I agree with you. I would to God that all of us loved Jesus and served Him with the same devotion as Bonnke. It is easy to criticize one another but hard to live for Jesus as Reinhart did.

  1. He was a man of GOD without scandals, he served GOD Almighty, he served GOD and he was well taken care of, GOD Almighty takes care of His Own.

    • @ric david therefore R.Bonnke went there, bc the Africans are so worthy for God. Therefore Bonnke followed the call of God to go there and spent his entire life, lots of his energy and of his voice there. instead for example looking for a job career in europe. Therefore Bonnke shared his-God’s view for Africa with German christians. Therefore he preached in Africa just the word of the holy scripture and ministered to free people from disbelieve, from fears, from many deseases as so many got healed. And they (big team of counselers towards the people co-working (also big amount of ushers needed and technicians)) encouraged this people to go on in a life with God.
      Where and what in this doing could be for the goal of earning money???
      This is volunteer work!

      Don’t know when and why he moved to Florida or by maybe whom to him & his wife the house was maybe given. (God supports people through other ppl, I know people to whom were given housing or car or food also money just as an gift- yeah of course, for it is written: seek you first the kingdom of God …then God will provide the things we otherwise tend to run for)

      To the viewers of this weird video (I saw only some of th beginning) I suggest to watch out for other documentations/videos about the work of Cfan (Christ for all nations) together with Reinhard Bonnke, which are made directly of the congregations or speeches of himself.
      Btw why this man seemingly being eager to be “good” on YT put that misleading picture on his misleading video?? No trustworty informations right from the beginning.

  2. Quit talking about his money… you reporters are despicable!!! Why don’t you tell the world that 79 million people gave their lives to the Lord Jesus because of his unselfish ministry.

    • @ric david where is Your proof then of Rev, Bonnkes 400M $ net worth ? and the proof of where He put all His money purposes for ?

    • @ric david

      You talk so foolishly because first all you talk what you don’t clearly understand secondly due to your hatred for Pentecostal preachers.

      It’s important to note that Reinhard Bonnke was an exception in the sense that he didn’t collected offering in his countless crusades with millions of people in attendance instead he gave each of the people a booklet called “now that you are saved”

      Bonnke’s crusade via CFaN was mostly funded by his partners in the western world.

      Always remember he doesn’t even mention offering during his crusades, I witnessed a couple of them in person and watched many others online

    • My Dear Dave it’s my prayer that the LORD forgive you for your foolish comments about the Lord’s anointed and bless you with wisdom to discern how jealous the LORD our GOD is towards HIS anointed servants. May GOD do it for you. Study Psalm 105:15.
      God’s mercy be upon you!

  3. Shame on you, why do start blaming him after his death, Correct your claims, Unless we will Collect petitons to block your Channel. May God rebuke you.

  4. I still remembering he came to Shillong in India he preached in polo ground stadium football. I attended his preaching. I still remembering his preaching in 2000 or 2002 he is really a great man of God.

    • @Evangeline Williams
      You refused to research, seek, know and live in truth. Truth I reveal that is in your bible, if you have and open it, will testify. if you think and believe that being a true believer is choice and pick apple, sorry. Work out your salvation with dedication, prayers, listening to Holy Spirit and obeying him

  5. This man has led many to Jesus. How many have you lead? Or lead astray? Be careful what you speak against God’s anointed says the Word of the Lord.

  6. He was a Servant of the most high, God used him immensely to touch many lives. Rest in perfect peace Servant of God, my respect.

  7. I was in Kano then with my parents and siblings. People definitely died in those riots. We left the north after that. He was a great man of God. Heaven will be rejoicing now:)

  8. I weep for you my dear, you should go on your knees and beg God for forgiveness. It is not worth it to experience the wrath and anger of God when you can enjoy His love and peace. I understand you’re looking for attention. But my dear, if you really want attention, allow God announce you. Just look at the Late Great General you speak of, even in His death, you considered it worth your time to make this sort of video. My darling, if you want a testimony like his, yield yourself to God like he did. Just look at Him, the number of lives he touched positively. What is your track record Dave Partner? When you die, what would be said of you my dear? Or do you think you’re immortal? What are you doing now that you’re a youth? What are you doing with your YouTube Channel? What are you doing with your God-given talent, resources and skills? To put to shame that same God who provided them for you? Young man, seek God while you can and be careful of how you speak about men of God for you don’t know how you will die. May God not count this against you. May you not die a shameful and disgraceful death because people who do what you have done end up that way and sadly at a very young age. May God help you

    • @Uduak Essien
      You are right. ♡♡♡ Thanks so much for the tone devoted to giving a detailed reply to Dave Partner
      Dave Partner is NEITHER here NOR there – Sometimes for the sake of ….. He often goes over and over the same sentence in order to kill time and have his videos long enough
      》》》And he is trying to make BIG money off people by asking them to buy training programmes in 100s of $

      ☆☆☆ Dave Partner, are you a BELIEVER?
      ¿¿¿ Do you care about YOUR OWN eternal destiny?
      ■■■ Why don’t you focus on REMOVING the log in your own eyes?
      》》》Hope you don’t end up collecting Miriam’s LEPROSY 《《《

    • The Avira123, of course I will keep praising Jesus, the one and only true son of God. And no one can stop m. You shouldn’t be bothered.

    • @Keri Jones thank you for taking the time to explain. I appreciate it. I am still sceptical of anything that was reintroduced to my ancestors with ulterior motives. They brought the white washed version of the Bible to Africa and taught us to pray closing our eyes.. When we opened up our eyes, they had the land and we had the Bible. Too much evil has been done to mother Africa whilst the whole world stood and looked or partook in the opportunity to loot and pillage. So when I air my sentiments, my intention is not to anger others.. Neither should I become a target for reprisal

    • TheAvira123 what a stupid response since Christ originated and lived in Israel , secondly Christianity reached Ethiopia before any of the western world ….. the place it went wrong was with the creation of the Roman Catholic Church and the false ideologies it introduced , then the reformation began and the ideologies were not laid aside but partly adopted in to what many perceive as Christianity today …. bonkke saw past that he saw the Jesus of the bible and saw an africa cleansed and stripped of slavery , you see you misinterpret and many westerners misinterpreted bible to think that slavery was acceptable … it never meant that in Greek it meant employee and employer ….. so next time you shoot your mouth off do some real research, I hate what slavery has done to Africa it’s turned people into beggars when they should be able to stand strong , I don’t excuse it I, think it’s vile that Africans and other black nations have been made to appear less than human

    • Lol… Christianity is the very reason Africa is enslaved.. Wake up Africans.. Wake up!!!!!!!! You and your white God idolism… And don’t try and give me that “God has no race BS”…you

  9. You talk rubbish. Who told you he made his money from Africa. Anything can be found on Wikipedia. Keep quiet and mind your business.

    • @Dave Partner
      You talk so foolishly because first all you talk what you don’t clearly understand secondly due to your hatred for Pentecostal preachers.

      It’s important to note that Reinhard Bonnke was an exception in the sense that he didn’t collected offering in his countless crusades with millions of people in attendance instead he gave each of the people a booklet called “now that you are saved”

      Bonnke’s crusade via CFaN was mostly funded by his partners in the western world.

      Always remember he doesn’t even mention offering during his crusades, I witnessed a couple of them in person and watched many others online

    • @Dave Partner

      You talk so foolishly because first all you talk what you don’t clearly understand secondly due to your hatred for Pentecostal preachers.

      It’s important to note that Reinhard Bonnke was an exception in the sense that he didn’t collected offering in his countless crusades with millions of people in attendance instead he gave each of the people a booklet called “now that you are saved”

      Bonnke’s crusade via CFaN was mostly funded by his partners in the western world.

      Always remember he doesn’t even mention offering during his crusades, I witnessed a couple of them in person and watched many others online

  10. If you have any issue with men of God, Reinhard Bonkke is not in the category of people you should discuss. Reinhard Bonkke sacrifed his comfort to serve in Africa and his evangelistic ministry was not a flamboyant one. My brother, if you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and saviour, let the life, ministry and death of Reinhard Bonkke minister to you to receive salvation.

    • Anyway, I agree; Reinhard Bonkke lived in comfort. But he deserved it. I’m sure he didn’t make money from the poor. The man of God was a German; their economy is doing great. The Bible actually promised a 100 fold reward for those who served him here on earth and in heaven. Infact, eyes have not seen the riches that God has prepared for Reinhard.


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