BREAKING: MELANIA TRUMP JUST SHOCKED THE WORLD!! Welcome to the Jesus Eternal Light channel. Our channel is your …


  1. Myself know that it isn't MAN alone that can turn this country around but our LORD GOD our Creator TRUMP knows that,it is not TRUMP we should worship but JESUS, he's the one that DIED on that CROSS, JESUS is LORD of LORDS and KING of KINGS BLESSED BE the name of JESUS CHRIST AMEN.

  2. Melania was the first lady of our country and I can hardly wait for her to be the first lady again. She is so much smarter than the last person called the first lady and her beauty is not just on the outside but, also deep within which the last person with this title had none of. Melania never criticized anyone or talked down to them because she has class . Yet she was treated poorly when she ran. She should have been on the cover of many magazines announcing her accomplishments instead of talking down about her. She did so very much for America that was not told by the False Media. I pray that when her husband and she are back in the White House as Deserved . God Bless the Trump Family and America !!!

  3. Melania hasn’t been to public to make that judgment about her faith, but Trump that’s a different story, Jesus said you will know them by their fruits, I see no fruits of the spirit coming from him.

  4. If the main stream media is being negative about Trumps faith then you can trust they are true in their faith. I believe nothing the msm says. All they do is lie. I am not perfect, no human is, but I believe God I’d forgiving and merciful and doesn’t expect us to be. He said that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones, and that you should get the log out of your own eye before you go around taking splinters out of others eyes. I have never seen anyone more hypocritical than the lefties and msm. If they think you are wrong then you’re over the target.

  5. There are and hnd have always been scoffers as in the days and after of religeon recall the dispensation of the christ and his deciples, the scoffers destroyed them except Judas who took his own life in shame. This is because of confusion by the devils. Learn not to listen to them. May God bless those who love him most as he loves us all
    Yes he punishes those who ignore and go agai st him.understand that walking is much easier to walk with the wind (or god )at your back not in your face.

  6. This is an outright lie!!!! Trump has never ever been concerned about the welfare of the American People, NEVER!!! 👎🏾. He has always been about himself, so let’s get the info straight. Trump is about two things only, his money and power and has done absolutely nothing significant in America to warrant your statement. His logo: “Make America Great Again” and “Save America” were never achieved because he was too focused on lying 🤥, cheating, and fleecing his supporters and this is just the plain truth.

  7. We are not her judge Only God knows our true heart God knows Malenia’s heart No one can fool God When it’s said you can tell if a person truly has God in there heart it shows by the believing we are all sinners and the only one that is “Perfect” is Jesus Christ and the only way to God is through His son Jesus Christ That truly knows what’s in our hearts Praise be to God Have mercy on us all Amen 🙏🏼 ❤

  8. I want to believe Melania Trump; therefore, I vote for Donald Trump and his beautiful wife Melania. God will sort out those who are not His, and I, for one, believe anyone with a genuine love of God and knows God would fear His wrath if He knew they were pandering for votes. All that said, Donald Trump has my vote, and I've been a devout Protestant Christian for almost 30 years now!
    May our LORD and His Son, Jesus Christ, Bless this nation. We never needed it more than now!

  9. Presudent d Trump and Melania Trump it iz only humans that criticise you and humsns havd small faith. Just know that GODS Protection is over you and ghose that humiliatd of wanting to harm you or your family they shall be harmed and humiliated GOD BLESS President Donald Trump and his wife Melania AMEN

  10. Having a masters in Early Childhood Education and almost 25 years of teaching preschool or kindergarten or first grade plus a granddaughter in Kindergarten:
    It truly WARMS my heart that your contribution is to help our children —our future.
    I love your theme “Be Best!” I use that for myself in whatever I do throughout the day. It really makes a difference in doing a job well done! Thank you so much!
    And finally I thank the Lord for your being close to Jesus’ Heart. He makes all the difference in EVERYTHING!!

  11. This was so beautiful. I needed to hear this because as a widow for almost 10 years, I had a break down that changed my life and I pushed everyone away because of so much shame, feelings of never doing anything right, backsliding on my faith though I’ve been repenting and pleading with God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to forgive me, restore, strengthen my faith, hope, love, joy of my salvation, and being together with brothers and sisters who love the LORD/God, Yeshua/Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and each other. Maybe someday we can meet in person. And bring Barron too. I hope he will learn to love Yeshua/Jesus Christ as you do. He lost his grandmas. Let Barron know he is loved and I pray Jesus will fill Barron heart too so he will never be alone.
    Some of my favorite Bible passages are Psalm 23, 91, Isaiah 54:4-8, and many of Yeshua’s preaching/teachings to His Apostles. If we get a chance to meet in person I will give my testimony.

  12. Thankyou Father God for your Grace, Love,and Mercy , yes and thankyou for keeping our Trump's in your protective care and let them embrace you Father God , and know that we the people love them very much and pray for them

  13. Melania Trump might not have been out with her husband every time he was out but maybe she was home praying for his victory because I seem like it’s what he was getting Melania is a beautiful lady and her hair is getting so long and beautiful and the word of God says that the woman’s long hair is her glory and we as women need all the glory we can get thank God for Melania

  14. America shines when the Trump family are in the White House some People are very jealous of the Trump family, this family has love and faith in God and it shows, Trump has proven his leadership for Ame3 and all people and is a wonderful father, grandfather, husband who loves his wife and family, I believe his commitment and willingness to continue making America great shows his love for God and our country, God bless former president Trumps votes and keep his votes safe from the evil ones in Jesus name Amen ✨️


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