Break Every Chain –  Official Trailer (2021)

Break Every Chain Trailer (2021) The award winning Tim Searfoss film starring Ignacyo Matynia, Dean Cain, Krystian Leonard.


  1. Looking at this now on Pureflix and it's good so far. This movie gives a great view into the lives of police officers and the struggles they face daily. Even better to see a believer who prays to God even during the challenges, death and the destruction of this fallen world when he sees murder, rape, robberies, mental illness and other evils constantly. Praises to the most high for more spiritually based movies as we NEED them more than ever to help bring people back to the TRUE GOD. To also help usher in salvation and deliverance for the broken, lost, and backsliders. Amen!

  2. such a heart wrenching, beautiful movie.
    the hero and the wife didnt seem to be acting, they were so reaistic.

    the hero is in you.
    imdb is sabotaging ratings, but that just shows that evil is all around…

  3. This movie has changed my life! I just watched it again! Trauma from childhood, my years as a United States Marine, and the "I remember everything" complex of seeing things over and over every day led me to the bottle. I drank to forget. I could never forget regardless of how drunk I got. My last drunk cost me my marriage. I lost my temper in front of her and my step-daughters! 40 years of anger came out! The safety they once felt was taken from them in an instance. I robbed them of their happiness and peace! That wound is deep! That wound will take time to heal! I contemplated suicide until I found this movie. I have watched it at least 30 times! I know that God can do for me what I could never do for myself. I think I will let Him! I surrender!


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